Shifting Our Perspective During Life’s Difficult Moments

As human beings, we always feel the need to be in control. We need to know where our lives are headed two, three, or five years from now. We always need to be ten steps ahead. We always need to be in the driver’s seat.

However, we all know that we’re not in full control. We’re especially aware of this during our most difficult moments when we don’t know what will happen next.

Surely, God will carry us through and He’ll give us the victory to overcome. But what will happen next? How do we move forward from where we are?

It is easy to get stuck and feel paralyzed in the face of the unknown, but when we shift our perspective and surrender our lives to God—during the storm and after the storm—we’ll get fresh eyes to see His miracles.

If there’s something I learned from my conversation with Sara Carnes, it’s to ask God this question: what do You want me to learn from this hardship?

Surely, God doesn’t want us to go through trials just because He feels like giving us one. He wants us to go through these hardships and difficulties because He wants to change us and the course of our lives and to, ultimately, give glory to His name.

Are we starting to depend on ourselves more instead of on His grace?

Are we too full of ourselves to think we can do life on our own?

Are we dead set on something that may be good but does not necessarily obey the will of God?

We only learn who we are and our priorities when God taps us and asks us to surrender everything to Him. Yes, even when we don’t know what’s going to happen next.

When we read the Bible, we must always remember that even Jesus, the Son of God, wasn’t exempt from a life of trials. He even promised us trials. But in the midst of the chaos and the madness, He also promised us Himself; He overcame the world, and we will too because of Him.

The question is are we willing to trust Him and learn who He is and His will for us even when life is difficult?

At this time, more than ever, it’s so easy to be overwhelmed. The good news is God didn’t leave us on our own; He gave us His powerful Word to guide us through life.

The Scripture always has something to say about how we live so we can glorify the name of God. Learn with us on how to read it, reflect on it, and bring God’s word to life through our Journey to Transformation for Your Best Life Ever workshop happening next month!

For more information on our schedule and the exciting things we have in store for you, visit us at

I am looking forward to meeting you and learning with you in this event. See you on May 19!