Unexpected Faith Journey with Guest, Judith Maria

  • Well, good morning. Do you ever have your faith challenged, unexpectedly, unexpectedly? You know, when we, when we're lined up and we're got our armor on and we've got our faith in place and we just are girded and ready for the battle, we really are, you know, are ready. But when things happen that are unexpected, that's when your faith needs to really kick into overdrive.

    And I have a guest this morning that is going to share with you a real unexpected need to place faith from a very simple procedure medical procedure to a, an emergency ambulance ride all the way to the ER room and then being kept in the hospital. So let's talk with Judith. Maria are a life coach and of course, a lot of, you know,

    she's my sister. So Judith welcome this morning. How are you? Good morning. Good morning. I'm great. Thank you. Ah, really say good morning everybody. Hey, you already got Gail out there and you got Johnny out there and Janet, I mean, they're just popping on it because I know we didn't want to give her a lot of,

    a lot of the storyline during the, because it was so fast, but so fast, give a little background of your, what you went through and the circumstances that took place. When we had our journey of an unexpected thing. Well, I had to go in for really a simple procedure to have a growth removed to mean they had to test it because of my past history and the cancer.

    And, and I just knew that, you know, it was, it was really a simple procedure and, you know, Jeffrey, you as my Uber driver, it was like, Jeffrey was picking me up, dropping me off at the shopping center and pick me back up when I was finished. But so I went in and you know, they go through the,

    you know, in the surgery center, you know, you, they prep you and, and everything was going great. Doctor came in and the anesthesiologist came in, everything was great. They all said simple C procedure. You'd be going home. We doubt that you knowing you and your, your history, you'll, won't be in recovery too, too long,

    maybe a couple hours. And so I, and I go through the surgery, I guess, but I was out of it. But when I come out, I'm in, I'm in the recovery room and they're getting ready to prep me to go home. And all of a sudden they said, how do you feel? And I said, yeah, I was feeling good.

    I said, but I did have just a little pressure in my chest. Well, as soon as I said that the alarms went off, they put the EKG on me and you know, they, the anesthesiologist came over and then all these nurses came over and it was like, what is going on? I I'm I'm I'm I want to go home.

    And so, you know, after they were looking at the reports and everything, the doctor or the anesthesiologists turned over to the nurse and she said, call 9 1, 1, we need to get her to the emergency room, the trauma center over at Fairview. And I'm like, I'm like, what, what is happening? This is like, this is like,

    this isn't supposed to be happening. And I tell you what it was. Thank God. I have a, a relationship with God. And I, I, he just brought me to that piece where, where everything is going to be, okay, he's got me. He is, he's got me. He's going to take care of me because things were happening.

    They were trying to talk to me. But you know, it's almost like, you know, it's like, you're in a different dimension when you're going through this because your, your mind is going, I'm having a heart attack. And I thought, I don't have any heart problems. So they call 9 11, 9, 11. The squad comes in. They Never want to hear.

    And I, I do know, cause they did say we're calling your brother. So all I knew that that was taken care of. So I didn't have to worry about that. But then there was the ride to the emergency room and you know, they ran tasks because it's heart issues and they kept me, they kept me overnight. And as they were running through all the tests and the blood work and you know,

    the EKG is all started to coming back. Okay. And, but they did find in the, in the blood, there's something that the blood releases, an enzyme that the blood releases, they don't have the, the, exactly what it is yet because we're waiting for a couple other tests. But Now pause right there for a minute. Cause I don't want them to know all the results yet.

    I'm going to hold them on an intrigue at the moment, but let's go back from the moment you heard let's medially, call 9 1 1, you hear this, it triggers a complete level of fears. Anxieties. I don't care if you're the strongest person in the world or the, you know, a pastorate, it doesn't make a difference. Because at that moment we are unexpectedly being challenged in our faith and our,

    in our understanding and our logic, then the ride still not knowing it. And all of a sudden the thoughts begin. I'm sure. And I'm speaking for you. I want you to speak for yourself, but the thoughts that process through a person's mind on the way to find out I get to live. Am I going to die? Now? This is a big decision making process to really get your head wrapped around then to the hospital and this whole day.

    I mean, I think you were there if I'm at nine hours and you still weren't even in a room or waiting for some kind of results and nothing was coming back to give you a it's okay. Wow. We got to go to surgery or whatever. We got to go talk about what was going on in your inner spirit during that time period. Yeah.

    That's great. Jeff Jeffrey. Yeah. My inner spirit did want to go. I did go into fear anxiety set in. I had a little bit of doubt. Yeah. Was I going to have a heart attack? Was I going to die? And as I was speaking those words, you know, it was, it kept coming back to me,

    is that, is, are those the words that would come from God and God wouldn't talk to me like that. I, I, I've never had God talked to me like that and all the storms I have been in, but he has, he has just, I just had that peace again, you know, to say, I I've got to Judith,

    you know, you have, you have a destiny that I need to strengthen you. And through the storm mitzvah, you're going to become more strengthened and to be able to fulfill that destiny that I have I have on your life and that it would take that fear away. Cause I pulled on God and, but it kept coming back. It kept coming back.

    I wanted to surface back up to tick to keep me in fear, you know? And the more I went into that fear I can see on the monitor and the heart monitor where my heart was beating much faster. And I just knew that I couldn't have that. I had to, I had to calm myself down. So I have always done this with,

    with God, is that when I go into, I had to go into what I call my meditation, my meditation in, in, in being silent and just quiet with God. And I have to picture talking with him and it's always been going, I'm on, I'm on a beach, I'm in a beach house. And I walked down, I go to the water and I have my conversation that is always been for years,

    a vision that I have to be able to bring my fear down and my anxiety down. So I have to go into that quiet moment to be reassured that I'm going to be okay. So did that keep rising? Yeah, it did. But I think God, I know God's word and I'm, I'm having the past couple of years and having a real love affair with God.

    And when you have that, you just, you, you can get through those times, you know, cause we're going to go through storms. I, you know, it's not, why me, why am I going through this? I've been through this into 2020. Why now? You know, so you get through one storm and then you get that,

    that, that light at the tunnel. Then it's like, you go into another storm. You know? So since 2020 I've been through six storms. But I have learned that I have to go into that quiet moment in, of speaking to God and allowing him to speak to me and, and confirming his word in my life of how I'm feeling. Yes,

    I I've. I've put in, in the comments to scriptures, Ephesians chapter six, verse 10 through 20 that you know, well, GERD yourself up with the armor of God. But I'm going to challenge the listening audience to read that and look towards some commentaries because it's very, it's much more powerful than knowing the parts of the, the armor. As let's say,

    a Bible student might know the reality of depth of knowing in season and out of season, we need to be ready. Then I put in Psalms 46, which I'm going to right now play for the listening audience because it's absolutely a power punch, especially in verse 10 where it says be still and know that I'm God, but what you said, the battle going on all day in and out up and not it's like a rollercoaster ride,

    but the more you get into that state, the more that we learn, how to go into that place, that inner dwelling, the inner sanctuary that the temple is talked about when they break that down, the reality is we can really grab a hold of an anchor. The Bible talks about in Hebrew is an anchor that secures us through the storm. You know,

    the anchor is there. So when the storm throws the boat around, it's still stays stable. So let me play this from the NIV. This is a short verse. There's a verses from Psalms one of the six. Let me know if that you can hear this from the audience, because I want to be sure that you hear every word of it because it's a very powerful what Judy has been sharing.

    So I'm 46 for the director of music of the sons of Korah. According to Alamosa a song, God is our refuge and strength and ever present help in trouble. Therefore, we will not fear though. The earth, if way in the mountains fall into the heart of the sea though its autos roar and foam and the mountains quake with their surging. There is a river whose streams make glad the city of God,

    the holy place where the most high dwells God is within her. She will not fall. God will help her at break of day. Nations are in uproar kingdoms for he lifts his voice. The earth melts. The Lord almighty is with us. The God of Jacob is our fortress come and see what the Lord has done. That desolations he has brought on the earth.

    He makes wars cease to the ends of the earth. He breaks the bow and shatters the spear, a burns shields with fire. He says, be still and know that I am God, I will be exalted among the nations. I will be exalted in the earth. The Lord almighty is with us. The God of Jacob is our fortress. Now the important part is when you,

    when you go through that and you read it, it's something you said, and I want to draw a conclusion in that area. You heard God's voice. You heard this voice when you read that. Some it is as if someone is standing up at a pulpit and reading what God, the character, God, but in Psalms 46, 10 God's voice says be still and know that I am God.

    And I think that when we start to meditate and this is kind of a good word for all of us, the word I am that he gave Moses, the word that I'm sure you heard so many times when you're in your prayer time. If you read sight that that God is the, I am, he is the, I am. He's the one that's able to pull me through this.

    Whether he takes you home, which wasn't quite think about at that point. This is everyone wants to go to heaven, but nobody wants to go right now as the song goes. But in turn, the other part of it is how do I get through this and start to hear that I am your strength. I am your power. I am your courage.

    I am all that begins to meditate and bring, like you said, if we've put it in, brings up all those scriptures brings all of God from his living word to really give it strength, will, will it be like a fight that we get? We may get a moment to sit in the corner, taking people breath, but we got to go back and fight again.

    And that's the unexpected fight of faith that I think that we really saw you go through it. Wasn't expected. It wasn't like you were new. You were going to go into a battle somewhere. You went in almost Lala put into that process. Yeah. It's a comfort. It's a comfort when you have that relationship with Christ, you know, and we all,

    when nobody's going to skate through, through life and we're all going to have these storms and cause God says, we're going to have tribulations and you have to, if you're not in God's word, what do you do in the middle of, like you said, in the middle of a storm where all of a sudden something that was so simple, turns out to be something that could,

    that was much greater unexpected and sure. Could you, could you just fall apart? Sure, absolutely. But like you said, the scriptures, if you're in his word, you're, you're, you're filling yourself up. So when that time comes you, that it does come up, it does surface. And you know, the spirit just brings that to you to bring that comfort and God,

    and God's there to comfort you, you know, he's there to hold your hand to walk through the store, you know? And you know what you're saying is so important. And that's why I want to extend a minute or two more because the reality is that without the holy spirit, even if you were reading scripture, even if you're going to church now,

    I want everybody to hear, this is a sobering thought. If you haven't asked if someone has an ass, the holy spirit, the living God to come within you to take over your life, to take over your mind, to take over your body and really surrender that and receive the forgiveness, receive the relationship, receive what you've been describing to us.

    Then we don't have the power. We can do mental tricks and gymnastics in our head. We can do the self-help trips and I've done them. I've got a library full of them. But the truth of it is when we go to the comforter and you use that word just a moment ago, the comforter is there to comfort us. We're going to fall and he's there to comfort us and lift us up.

    Once we've fallen, we're going to have doubt because remember the, the, the father that said, I believe, but help me with my misbelief. So understanding that this is a real word, that world that we live in. And that's why I put a fusion six in there. Cause if, if the, the listening audience would listen to that and do a little study on that,

    that is not a simple get dressed because when you study the words that Paul, must've fine tuned, every word that he used, like gird up your loins. That's an alert to be ready for the unexpected, which is what you were. And if we're not getting up every morning and girding up, hearing the voice of God tuning up, if something unexpected comes,

    we're really caught off guard. Now he can deliver us. He can raise us up. He can, you know, take us off. You put Humpty Dumpty. He can put us back together again. But why not go in as a, Victoria's more than a conqueror as you did. And although you're going to get a couple of blows, you get back in that corner and get the other meditation,

    get that voice of God speaking to you. Get those scriptures flowing through you, get the holy spirit connection. And now come back into the ring to win the faith, even if it's unexpectedly called upon. Absolutely, absolutely. Jeffery. Yes it's. It's I, I, again, and I, I say that you can, you can have, you can have your family around you,

    your friends around you, your church, around you, your community around you. You can have all of that, but when you're in that moment, and as I was in that moment, laying in that bed, and I hear the words, call 9 1 1, get the squad here. Th they, they weren't around. Only thing that I knew to do was to go in and call upon God,

    because he was there. There is there with me. He walks with me every single day, every moment, every breath that I take. And if he's walking with us, he's talking to us, you know, I can't imagine God walking with us and that talking, You know, and, and I knew enough to be able to tune into him.

    I had to go inwardly. So, yeah, Well, as the listening audience, I hope this was an inspiration. It was was for me going through it. Not only that they have, but the, even this morning, because again, you, every time that you give testimony, you learn a little bit more yourself and people that are listening to the testimony and we are a testimony,

    and you've heard this, the saying that, you know, our tests create our testimony. Judith. You say that all the time in your coaching. And I think that it's really important that we hear that, that James, the book of James says that rejoice through your trials and tribulations, because if you persevere, if it doesn't mean every day that you don't fall down,

    but if you persevere connecting to the spirit of God and letting the word of God sustain you and anchor you, then you will mature and lack nothing. It's James chapter one. And that's powerful because that's living life abundantly. Not that it all goes perfect. Not that everything is, is, you know, you know, right. Every day, but the truly I am right with God.

    And that makes a big difference. I mean, that's right. That is right. You all have a wonderful weekend. Thank you for staying with us for an extra five or six minutes, because I think it was worth it to hear the testimony that the Judith went through, and this is hot off the presses. So this was like the day after she got home and we will continue to keep all of you and your prayers and each and every one of us need each and everyone has pers so good morning to each and every one of you,

    we love you put in the, in the comments, if you wouldn't right now, you know, what you take away from today, you know, what was one thing that you really got out of the testimony of Judith? And I know that she'll be blessed by that, but also that others that we'll see this later on the replay will be blessed by it as well.

    So have a beautiful and precious and wonderful day. And remember beauty and change begins within you where the holy spirit lives and dwells and is powerful to do more than you could ever ask or imagine see you next week. Thank you. Bye-bye