What Does God Say About Worry?

  • What does God say about worry? Good morning. I'm Jeffrey Paul. And I'm here with your morning inspiration and the try to give all of us a better understanding through the scriptures, through the wisdom of the holy spirit, how we deal with worry, because we learn what God has to say about worry. And I think the scripture that the spirit gave me this morning is absolutely perfect.

    It's perfect because in fact, I'm going to put it in the chat right now for you that you've got that it's Matthew 6 27, and it's amazing how the word has absolutely every answer when you really search it for our lives. I mean, every answer to every question, can you imagine that my granddaughters always tease me and say, poppy, Google has all the answers and my answer back to them.

    And they chuckled because they're waiting for my answer. And I say, oh no, Jesus, the holy spirit has all the answers. And so we chuckle and laugh, but it's the truth. We've gone to believe that there's an answer outside of the true realm of the creator himself. God who's created you and me, the earth and everything in it.

    The scripture says, so let's talk about worrying. Let's take a look at what it says in the scriptures about worry and this simple verse, although please take the time to read the entire area of a, of chapter six in Matthew, but in verse 27, look at this. Can any one of you by worrying, add a single hour to your life.

    Now that's a rhetorical question. I learned that word way back when, and I really liked that. It's a rhetorical question means, you know the answer, you know, the you and I know the answer, whether you're a Christian or not, you know the answer, why worry is not going to change a darn thing, but it does produce something.

    Oh yeah. Thoughts have a energy and worry produces negative energy and negative energy can produce very unbelievably, awful results from health to aging to losing your hair. It really can. It really can because science has shown that, that the, the, the process of our body developing and manufacturing, negative energy burns stuff up. And that's the job of the enemy,

    which is John 10, 10. His only job is to Rob kill and destroy that which God gives. What does God give in this case scenario? What gives a beautiful scenario of study the birds of the year and the lilies of the valley that addressed more beautiful than Solomon, but the truth comes continually as you seek the scriptures because he gives us hope and hope is absolutely a positive energy.

    And is we look at a circumstance and the self, the ego, the mind wants to create that worry negative energy. Then hope that all things are working together for the good is truly a positive energy that produces. I mean, if negative produces illness and, and aging and everything else I said to you, then what is hope? Well, let me first read the scripture that the Lord gave me this morning in regards to hope out of Hebrews chapter six.

    And if one of you would put this in the commentary, because I didn't add it to my notes for you to have, but I know that someone's going to ask for it after the session today, but Hebrews chapter six, verse 19, again, I'll say that again. And if somebody can put it in the comments, Hebrews six verse 19, this is what it says from the NIV version.

    We have this hope as an anchor for the soul. Now the soul is the mind feelings and emotions of the, the nature of the human being. So it says we have the hope as an anchor, as an anchor to from, and hold our soul secure. It enters the inner sanctuary behind the curtain. What does it all mean? Well, if you read before and after that and should always do that on a scripture,

    because it puts it in context. But when we were apart from God, from Adam and Eve, there was no way to get, you know, into that personal intimate relationship. When Christ died on the cross, hope was exploded and reborn reborn, and that hope and knowledge and security was that we have eternal life, that we have life with God forever now.

    And in our afterlife, our eternal life. Well, Jeff, how does it have to do with worry? Let's roll it back a little bit. What do you do when worry strikes you? And it strikes all of us. It can be a little tiny worry. It can be a worry about the future. It can be a worry about your health.

    It could be worried about economics. Again, you worry about so many things, especially today. If you, I hope you're not watching the news, but if you were, you have a lot to be worried about, but in turn, as you go to the word of God and you listen to the word of God, whisper to your heart hope,

    and you begin to speak words of hope, just like Romans 10 talks about how our salvation comes, comes from hearing the word, confessing our faith and believing it and we're saved well. If the greatest of all things, salvation is produced by hearing the word, speaking the word and believing the word in our hearts. Then if worry, attacks, you begin to use the word of God as it is a weapon,

    a offensive weapon that it's, you're like, you're, you're, you're going for the score. And you use it by taking overtaking captive. Every thought of worry by having something like this and the many more that are there. This scripture out of Hebrews six verse 19, we have this hope as an anchor for the soul firm and secure. It says it enters the inner sanctuary behind the curtain where God is in that intimacy of your personal relationship,

    where you hear his voice say to you, I got this, I got this. I'll take care of this. Don't worry about this. I'm going to work all things together for the good don't ignore it. No, no, no. Abraham faced the facts that his body was as good as dead. Romans chapter four. It speaks about that. We're not putting our heads into a,

    a foolish, you know, craziness of the wrong way of thinking. That's denial. The truth is that the face, the facts that there might be a circumstance, but put the anchor in to your thoughts. God is working all things together for the good, he is my hope. He is my strength. He will work all things together for the good,

    he will work and complete a good work that he's begun. And as you have these kinds of scriptures where he has no place where he has no place to find itself, but as it talks about the emptying of the house and the cleaning of the house, where the seven spirits, in addition to the first spirit come back because it's empty. Well, when worry comes back,

    if you don't fill it on a daily basis in your prayer time, in your reading time of the scriptures, in your meditation, in your, in your memories of, of reciting the scriptures throughout the day and all the other things that can help you, then your house is empty and worry will supersede, overwhelm and overcome you. But if your soul is anchored and you're pouring out the spirit,

    you're pouring through the mouth, listening to your ears and believing it by faith. As he said to Jaris, don't be afraid. Just believe, then worry has no place in you. So don't worry. Be happy. See tomorrow.