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How You Can Reset Your Life Today
In hard times, we just want to get our life together and hit reset.
The good news is, resetting your life is possible here and now. It doesn’t need to happen tomorrow, in a decade, or never. Resetting your life can happen anytime you need a change.
The second good news is that changing your life is a choice. You can choose to stay in the status quo, or you can let go and admit that you need God’s help.
Resetting your life starts with the mind
Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect. (Romans 12:1–2)
If we look at this verse, we will see that transformation happens through the renewal of the mind. Lasting change doesn’t happen when our external situations change--when our finances are in order, when the dream house is built, or when the travel plans push through. Change is first and foremost, internal: when the mind is renewed. In simple terms, if you want to reset your life, then you have to start with your mind.
The problem with the mind is that it is corrupted. We would rather follow what family, friends, experts, influencers, or culture says instead of what God says. For example, the world will tell you that success is defined by being rich. But God says that the goal is not simply to be rich but to honor God with our wealth. The pressures to conform to this world is what makes our lives dissatisfying, overwhelming, purposeless, and burdensome. In contrast, living our lives for God makes us fruitful and fills us with joy, no matter what our circumstances may be.
In a situation like this, how do we renew our minds so we can reset our lives?
Surrender your life to God. God alone has the power to transform your life from the inside out. Maybe it’s time to go to Him and admit that you can’t do it on your own. Maybe you’ve tried so hard the past months or even years without success. Remember this, when you are weak, God is strong. The cross of Jesus allows us to go to God in humility, confess our failures, and receive His refreshing and renewing grace.
Feed your mind with God’s Word. The bible tells us to think about good things, things that are pure, right, noble, lovely, and admirable. Meditating on God’s Word and reflecting on how it applies to our lives can powerfully change our mindsets and actions. For example, do you want to change the state of your finances? God says a lot about money in His Word. Grab your bible and choose a nice journal to record God’s message for you. In challenging times, you will find God’s Word to be a source of strength.
Spend time in rest and prayer. Take a sabbath or go on a spiritual retreat. Sometimes, we all need what Elijah needed when he was feeling angry and depressed: good food, a good rest, and a good Word from God.
Surround yourself with a nurturing community. God is all we need, but God also designed us to walk with others. Find friends and family who can give you encouragement and help you in your journey of resetting your life.
The power to reset your life lies in God’s hands. May He give you the grace to transform your life today!