Well, good morning. Do you ever have your faith challenged, unexpectedly, unexpectedly? You know, when we, when we're lined up and we're got our armor on and we've got our faith in place and we just are girded and ready for the battle, we really are, you know, are ready. But when things happen that are unexpected, that's when your faith needs to really kick into overdrive.
And I have a guest this morning that is going to share with you a real unexpected need to place faith from a very simple procedure medical procedure to a, an emergency ambulance ride all the way to the ER room and then being kept in the hospital. So let's talk with Judith. Maria are a life coach and of course, a lot of, you know,
she's my sister. So Judith welcome this morning. How are you? Good morning. Good morning. I'm great. Thank you. Ah, really say good morning everybody. Hey, you already got Gail out there and you got Johnny out there and Janet, I mean, they're just popping on it because I know we didn't want to give her a lot of,
a lot of the storyline during the, because it was so fast, but so fast, give a little background of your, what you went through and the circumstances that took place. When we had our journey of an unexpected thing. Well, I had to go in for really a simple procedure to have a growth removed to mean they had to test it because of my past history and the cancer.
And, and I just knew that, you know, it was, it was really a simple procedure and, you know, Jeffrey, you as my Uber driver, it was like, Jeffrey was picking me up, dropping me off at the shopping center and pick me back up when I was finished. But so I went in and you know, they go through the,
you know, in the surgery center, you know, you, they prep you and, and everything was going great. Doctor came in and the anesthesiologist came in, everything was great. They all said simple C procedure. You'd be going home. We doubt that you knowing you and your, your history, you'll, won't be in recovery too, too long,
maybe a couple hours. And so I, and I go through the surgery, I guess, but I was out of it. But when I come out, I'm in, I'm in the recovery room and they're getting ready to prep me to go home. And all of a sudden they said, how do you feel? And I said, yeah, I was feeling good.
I said, but I did have just a little pressure in my chest. Well, as soon as I said that the alarms went off, they put the EKG on me and you know, they, the anesthesiologist came over and then all these nurses came over and it was like, what is going on? I I'm I'm I'm I want to go home.
And so, you know, after they were looking at the reports and everything, the doctor or the anesthesiologists turned over to the nurse and she said, call 9 1, 1, we need to get her to the emergency room, the trauma center over at Fairview. And I'm like, I'm like, what, what is happening? This is like, this is like,
this isn't supposed to be happening. And I tell you what it was. Thank God. I have a, a relationship with God. And I, I, he just brought me to that piece where, where everything is going to be, okay, he's got me. He is, he's got me. He's going to take care of me because things were happening.
They were trying to talk to me. But you know, it's almost like, you know, it's like, you're in a different dimension when you're going through this because your, your mind is going, I'm having a heart attack. And I thought, I don't have any heart problems. So they call 9 11, 9, 11. The squad comes in. They Never want to hear.
And I, I do know, cause they did say we're calling your brother. So all I knew that that was taken care of. So I didn't have to worry about that. But then there was the ride to the emergency room and you know, they ran tasks because it's heart issues and they kept me, they kept me overnight. And as they were running through all the tests and the blood work and you know,
the EKG is all started to coming back. Okay. And, but they did find in the, in the blood, there's something that the blood releases, an enzyme that the blood releases, they don't have the, the, exactly what it is yet because we're waiting for a couple other tests. But Now pause right there for a minute. Cause I don't want them to know all the results yet.
I'm going to hold them on an intrigue at the moment, but let's go back from the moment you heard let's medially, call 9 1 1, you hear this, it triggers a complete level of fears. Anxieties. I don't care if you're the strongest person in the world or the, you know, a pastorate, it doesn't make a difference. Because at that moment we are unexpectedly being challenged in our faith and our,
in our understanding and our logic, then the ride still not knowing it. And all of a sudden the thoughts begin. I'm sure. And I'm speaking for you. I want you to speak for yourself, but the thoughts that process through a person's mind on the way to find out I get to live. Am I going to die? Now? This is a big decision making process to really get your head wrapped around then to the hospital and this whole day.
I mean, I think you were there if I'm at nine hours and you still weren't even in a room or waiting for some kind of results and nothing was coming back to give you a it's okay. Wow. We got to go to surgery or whatever. We got to go talk about what was going on in your inner spirit during that time period. Yeah.
That's great. Jeff Jeffrey. Yeah. My inner spirit did want to go. I did go into fear anxiety set in. I had a little bit of doubt. Yeah. Was I going to have a heart attack? Was I going to die? And as I was speaking those words, you know, it was, it kept coming back to me,
is that, is, are those the words that would come from God and God wouldn't talk to me like that. I, I, I've never had God talked to me like that and all the storms I have been in, but he has, he has just, I just had that peace again, you know, to say, I I've got to Judith,
you know, you have, you have a destiny that I need to strengthen you. And through the storm mitzvah, you're going to become more strengthened and to be able to fulfill that destiny that I have I have on your life and that it would take that fear away. Cause I pulled on God and, but it kept coming back. It kept coming back.
I wanted to surface back up to tick to keep me in fear, you know? And the more I went into that fear I can see on the monitor and the heart monitor where my heart was beating much faster. And I just knew that I couldn't have that. I had to, I had to calm myself down. So I have always done this with,
with God, is that when I go into, I had to go into what I call my meditation, my meditation in, in, in being silent and just quiet with God. And I have to picture talking with him and it's always been going, I'm on, I'm on a beach, I'm in a beach house. And I walked down, I go to the water and I have my conversation that is always been for years,
a vision that I have to be able to bring my fear down and my anxiety down. So I have to go into that quiet moment to be reassured that I'm going to be okay. So did that keep rising? Yeah, it did. But I think God, I know God's word and I'm, I'm having the past couple of years and having a real love affair with God.
And when you have that, you just, you, you can get through those times, you know, cause we're going to go through storms. I, you know, it's not, why me, why am I going through this? I've been through this into 2020. Why now? You know, so you get through one storm and then you get that,
that, that light at the tunnel. Then it's like, you go into another storm. You know? So since 2020 I've been through six storms. But I have learned that I have to go into that quiet moment in, of speaking to God and allowing him to speak to me and, and confirming his word in my life of how I'm feeling. Yes,
I I've. I've put in, in the comments to scriptures, Ephesians chapter six, verse 10 through 20 that you know, well, GERD yourself up with the armor of God. But I'm going to challenge the listening audience to read that and look towards some commentaries because it's very, it's much more powerful than knowing the parts of the, the armor. As let's say,
a Bible student might know the reality of depth of knowing in season and out of season, we need to be ready. Then I put in Psalms 46, which I'm going to right now play for the listening audience because it's absolutely a power punch, especially in verse 10 where it says be still and know that I'm God, but what you said, the battle going on all day in and out up and not it's like a rollercoaster ride,
but the more you get into that state, the more that we learn, how to go into that place, that inner dwelling, the inner sanctuary that the temple is talked about when they break that down, the reality is we can really grab a hold of an anchor. The Bible talks about in Hebrew is an anchor that secures us through the storm. You know,
the anchor is there. So when the storm throws the boat around, it's still stays stable. So let me play this from the NIV. This is a short verse. There's a verses from Psalms one of the six. Let me know if that you can hear this from the audience, because I want to be sure that you hear every word of it because it's a very powerful what Judy has been sharing.
So I'm 46 for the director of music of the sons of Korah. According to Alamosa a song, God is our refuge and strength and ever present help in trouble. Therefore, we will not fear though. The earth, if way in the mountains fall into the heart of the sea though its autos roar and foam and the mountains quake with their surging. There is a river whose streams make glad the city of God,
the holy place where the most high dwells God is within her. She will not fall. God will help her at break of day. Nations are in uproar kingdoms for he lifts his voice. The earth melts. The Lord almighty is with us. The God of Jacob is our fortress come and see what the Lord has done. That desolations he has brought on the earth.
He makes wars cease to the ends of the earth. He breaks the bow and shatters the spear, a burns shields with fire. He says, be still and know that I am God, I will be exalted among the nations. I will be exalted in the earth. The Lord almighty is with us. The God of Jacob is our fortress. Now the important part is when you,
when you go through that and you read it, it's something you said, and I want to draw a conclusion in that area. You heard God's voice. You heard this voice when you read that. Some it is as if someone is standing up at a pulpit and reading what God, the character, God, but in Psalms 46, 10 God's voice says be still and know that I am God.
And I think that when we start to meditate and this is kind of a good word for all of us, the word I am that he gave Moses, the word that I'm sure you heard so many times when you're in your prayer time. If you read sight that that God is the, I am, he is the, I am. He's the one that's able to pull me through this.
Whether he takes you home, which wasn't quite think about at that point. This is everyone wants to go to heaven, but nobody wants to go right now as the song goes. But in turn, the other part of it is how do I get through this and start to hear that I am your strength. I am your power. I am your courage.
I am all that begins to meditate and bring, like you said, if we've put it in, brings up all those scriptures brings all of God from his living word to really give it strength, will, will it be like a fight that we get? We may get a moment to sit in the corner, taking people breath, but we got to go back and fight again.
And that's the unexpected fight of faith that I think that we really saw you go through it. Wasn't expected. It wasn't like you were new. You were going to go into a battle somewhere. You went in almost Lala put into that process. Yeah. It's a comfort. It's a comfort when you have that relationship with Christ, you know, and we all,
when nobody's going to skate through, through life and we're all going to have these storms and cause God says, we're going to have tribulations and you have to, if you're not in God's word, what do you do in the middle of, like you said, in the middle of a storm where all of a sudden something that was so simple, turns out to be something that could,
that was much greater unexpected and sure. Could you, could you just fall apart? Sure, absolutely. But like you said, the scriptures, if you're in his word, you're, you're, you're filling yourself up. So when that time comes you, that it does come up, it does surface. And you know, the spirit just brings that to you to bring that comfort and God,
and God's there to comfort you, you know, he's there to hold your hand to walk through the store, you know? And you know what you're saying is so important. And that's why I want to extend a minute or two more because the reality is that without the holy spirit, even if you were reading scripture, even if you're going to church now,
I want everybody to hear, this is a sobering thought. If you haven't asked if someone has an ass, the holy spirit, the living God to come within you to take over your life, to take over your mind, to take over your body and really surrender that and receive the forgiveness, receive the relationship, receive what you've been describing to us.
Then we don't have the power. We can do mental tricks and gymnastics in our head. We can do the self-help trips and I've done them. I've got a library full of them. But the truth of it is when we go to the comforter and you use that word just a moment ago, the comforter is there to comfort us. We're going to fall and he's there to comfort us and lift us up.
Once we've fallen, we're going to have doubt because remember the, the, the father that said, I believe, but help me with my misbelief. So understanding that this is a real word, that world that we live in. And that's why I put a fusion six in there. Cause if, if the, the listening audience would listen to that and do a little study on that,
that is not a simple get dressed because when you study the words that Paul, must've fine tuned, every word that he used, like gird up your loins. That's an alert to be ready for the unexpected, which is what you were. And if we're not getting up every morning and girding up, hearing the voice of God tuning up, if something unexpected comes,
we're really caught off guard. Now he can deliver us. He can raise us up. He can, you know, take us off. You put Humpty Dumpty. He can put us back together again. But why not go in as a, Victoria's more than a conqueror as you did. And although you're going to get a couple of blows, you get back in that corner and get the other meditation,
get that voice of God speaking to you. Get those scriptures flowing through you, get the holy spirit connection. And now come back into the ring to win the faith, even if it's unexpectedly called upon. Absolutely, absolutely. Jeffery. Yes it's. It's I, I, again, and I, I say that you can, you can have, you can have your family around you,
your friends around you, your church, around you, your community around you. You can have all of that, but when you're in that moment, and as I was in that moment, laying in that bed, and I hear the words, call 9 1 1, get the squad here. Th they, they weren't around. Only thing that I knew to do was to go in and call upon God,
because he was there. There is there with me. He walks with me every single day, every moment, every breath that I take. And if he's walking with us, he's talking to us, you know, I can't imagine God walking with us and that talking, You know, and, and I knew enough to be able to tune into him.
I had to go inwardly. So, yeah, Well, as the listening audience, I hope this was an inspiration. It was was for me going through it. Not only that they have, but the, even this morning, because again, you, every time that you give testimony, you learn a little bit more yourself and people that are listening to the testimony and we are a testimony,
and you've heard this, the saying that, you know, our tests create our testimony. Judith. You say that all the time in your coaching. And I think that it's really important that we hear that, that James, the book of James says that rejoice through your trials and tribulations, because if you persevere, if it doesn't mean every day that you don't fall down,
but if you persevere connecting to the spirit of God and letting the word of God sustain you and anchor you, then you will mature and lack nothing. It's James chapter one. And that's powerful because that's living life abundantly. Not that it all goes perfect. Not that everything is, is, you know, you know, right. Every day, but the truly I am right with God.
And that makes a big difference. I mean, that's right. That is right. You all have a wonderful weekend. Thank you for staying with us for an extra five or six minutes, because I think it was worth it to hear the testimony that the Judith went through, and this is hot off the presses. So this was like the day after she got home and we will continue to keep all of you and your prayers and each and every one of us need each and everyone has pers so good morning to each and every one of you,
we love you put in the, in the comments, if you wouldn't right now, you know, what you take away from today, you know, what was one thing that you really got out of the testimony of Judith? And I know that she'll be blessed by that, but also that others that we'll see this later on the replay will be blessed by it as well.
So have a beautiful and precious and wonderful day. And remember beauty and change begins within you where the holy spirit lives and dwells and is powerful to do more than you could ever ask or imagine see you next week. Thank you. Bye-bye
Do You Know Your Purpose?
Good morning. I have another question for it. This must be the question week. Do you know what your purpose is? Do you know what your purpose in life is? Do you know? That's one of the greatest level of seeking for understand that you can ever imagine. Good morning, I'm Jeffrey Paul with your morning inspiration, and I want to really bring it to an awareness that your purpose is important.
Do you know that psychology sheers that a person who has purpose lives longer lives healthier, has more energy, has more joy. Isn't that the thing that most everyone is seeking for? I mean, seeking for that knowledge to know that you're in the depths of Jeff's a lately, what you were created for, well, the very scripture that I'm gonna share with you today that identifies the importance of this,
and then the other scriptures that instruct us how to find a purpose. You know, I have gone through probably a multitude. I'm going to say everyone because the multitude of, of testing and evaluation and assessments of who am I in, in what's my characteristics and what am I an ABC or G or LBN, whatever it might be. What am I,
because all of these assessments have you take a test. And that test though is on the conscious level. It's on the conscious level. What you know, where you're at, what you maybe think you'd like to do, but it's not on the inner, inner, true inner level, because there's no way for a test or an instrument that a psychologist or a counselor would use can get deep.
Now, those are good things. They're good things to give you some kind of markers to, to find that true north in your life. But there's a purpose you were given that purpose, right from the womb. You know, Jeremiah chapter one talks about the fact that God knew him in the womb and had prepared and planned his purpose. Now he went a lot of different ways,
like all of us do, but the purpose was within his heart. It was written by God's finger on his heart, as it is you and you and me. I want you to realize that that's really a truth, but we're all seeking because we get kind of mesmerized by life. We get overwhelmed by life. We get set back by in life.
We have experiences that cause us to hit the proverbial ceiling, the glass ceiling or the wall. If you been there, have you been seeking your purpose? Is that a question that rises up or have you have buried it now? Like, you know, it just never going to happen because of your age, because of the circumstances, because of your situation.
Well, if so in the comments, put hash mark, purpose, hash mark, purpose, hash mark is the numbers. It's right above number three. So you shift hit the hash mark and then purpose, put it in the conference right now because the issue, let me see here. I just realized that Randy sent me a note that the issue is that the reality to purpose comes from only one source.
The one that created you remember, I was talking about Jeremiah in Jeremiah. The reality is he was given purpose in his heart before he even entered this world because God's plan was on his life. Like God's plan is on each and every one of our lives. Let me take you to a beautiful scripture out of the book of Proverbs and, and really just give you an understanding that will give you the representation of what I'm talking about.
It says here in Proverbs chapter 19 verse 21, a person may have many ideas. Boy, if you live with me or if you're a part of my team, they would just, their eyes would get this big because every morning I wake up with more ideas every day I have expansion on those ideas and it's like for creative people, it's hard not to think creative ideas,
but it can be a hindrance. If it's taken you in the wrong direction or outside of the direction that God has planned for us and prepared us for an in called us to is it talks about in Romans chapter eight, verse 28 through 39, but it goes further and says again, I'll start in the beginning of verse 21 person may have many ideas concerning God's plan for his life or her life,
but only the designs of God's purpose will succeed in the end. That creates the ability that we really don't have the understanding, unless we go to God to really get our plans. You know, Proverbs 16 talks about, we have lots of plans, but we need to come to God and place our plans before him and allow his plans to really be the plans that give us the ability to see what's before us to see the goal that Philippians chapter three,
verses 12 through 14 talks about that. We forget what's behind us and strive to what we've been called to a purpose. What's the purpose. Well, I can't give you that answer. I'm sorry. And neither can any counselor and neither can any father, mother, neither can any other person on the face of the earth. They can give you good advice and they can give you some good direction,
especially if they love you and care for you. And they're seeking the Lord for you. But the only way, and I'm going to underline this, I generally say anything only, but the only way they send this scripture is that you and I must go before the Lord and do our due diligence to seek back into the womb back even before we were in the womb and see in the presence of the Lord.
What's my purpose. Now you might think, well, Jeff, I'm going to be a monk. Isn't me. I'm a priest. I'm going to be a pastor. Am I going to minute in may that you'd be, be the best barber in the world. It might mean that you're the best lawyer in the world. It might be you you're the best mother at home.
Caring for your children as unto the Lord is it talks about in collections. You see purpose is not a religious thing. Purpose is a God thing. Purpose is what gives energy and inspiration, motivation, and empowerment for your life, but not the one or two things that you think are your purpose, because how happy are you if you're not in your purpose?
Well, some of us in many of you have not had the opportunity for a long time to be in that state that you love what you're doing. Did you do it with all your heart, with all your mind, with all your strength. And even if you don't use the words you're doing it unto the Lord purpose is what drives the encouragement and excitement of life.
Abundant life. As Jesus said in John 10, 10, he came to give us, but without the holy spirit, without God's understanding without God's relationship unveiling, breaking through the veil, breaking through the curtains, giving you insight, you're just running a race, like a hamster on a wheel, and you might make it that we all go and really good.
But at the end, as our proverb says, at the end, only his only God's purpose will succeed to make you happy to make you joyful, to make you fulfilled, to hear the voice of God out of Matthew three 17, say you are my child. I am well pleased with you. So seeking your purpose. I can't tell you what that is.
I seek my every day and continue to hear his voice, to be sure that I keep in the do North, keep on the path. It's narrow keeping in clear sight. The purpose that have given you the scriptures today about it's time to find your purpose. It's time to put all your energy into your purpose, but you must seek first God's purpose to be revealed in you through the holy spirit who will and his promise and will never fail show you The,
then it's up to you to walk in it, to be joyful, to be strong and encouraged, to make a difference in the world. Find your purpose, seek him. Let's see it tomorrow. Oh, by the way, stop only it's Giovanni's birthday today. And I just sent her pictures of the first birthday of her life and from the hospital when she was born.
So all of you would you just put up a prayer of Thanksgiving that Giovanni and of course Valentino, but today's Geovanna is focused day of her birthday, of her seventh birthday of her life. And boy, she has life and purpose exploding in her. And I just ask you to remember her in your prayers today. Have a beautiful day, see you tomorrow.
How Important Are "People" To You?
How important are people do? Let me just ask that question again. And I love to start our program on the morning inspirations with a question I'm Jeffrey Paul, and today's question should provoke you. It should most likely challenge you. How important are people to you? Well, how you treat people is really what makes it real in your life to that answer.
The real answer to that question. So to say, you know, when we study today, the gospels and we see Jesus in the things and people that he encounters. Do you think that was kind of like by chance or by design? What do you think with Jesus meeting the woman at the, well, she, she didn't even have a name.
She wasn't even liked. She had to leave her home at the heat of the day to go get water. Because if she went during the morning, when all the other woman would go to the, well, she would be ridiculed because she was considered a prostitute. How about Matthew? That short little Jewish guy that was up in, in the, in the,
you know, I think he was Jewish. Maybe he was Italian, but he was up in the tree and Jesus has got a crowd around him coming along the road. And he shouts out to this person. No one liked a tax collector. Matthew, come on, let's go have dinner together. How much do we miss or devalue people. I told you is going to challenge you today.
You see it's kind of easy to value the people that you can get something from. Ooh, that doesn't feel good, huh? Whether it's love whether it's money, whether it's service, whether it's, whatever it is, when we get something they're important for the moment. But in turn, how important are people to you? All people we're going to John three 16,
the famous verse that Billy Graham carried all over the world. God so loved people that he gave his only begotten son. God, so loved people. The prisoners, the prostitutes, the rulers, the politicians, the doctors, the barbers, all were loved by God. And when he sent Jesus to earth, he sent that example. That, that, that,
that true level of example, for us to imitate, there's no one, no one, no one unimportant. How about the guy at the pool of Bethesda? I mean, 38 years, he was hanging out there and he couldn't even get anybody to help him get into the water. When the water would be stirred, the healed Jesus stops. And doesn't just put his hand on his head and get them healed.
He dialogues with him. He goes into his soul. He begins to seek the answer to the question that was truly holding this man crippled. Do you want to be healed? Do you want to be healed? He said, you see, to be able to ask people deep questions, to converse with them, to minister, to them, to teach them,
to share with them needs the holy spirit inside you radiating in monitor monitoring the issues of people. You got to read them as they say, well, we read them for a lot of different reasons. If you're in sales, you kind of read the signs as they teach in sales school. If we're in the romance business, we're looking for that glimmer in the eye.
So we learned way back when, as kids to read our parents to read people, but that was what the human mind, the human feelings and emotions. Now with the holy spirit inside, you can see a Richmond, poor man, a prostitute, or a queen. All the same as Jesus did. Nicodemus was a high level. You know, Pharisee.
He took the time with him in the midst of the night to answer his questions, woman who was 13 years of, of, of, you know, bleeding spent all her money on doctors that couldn't heal. Her, broke the law of the, of the Jewish, you know, faith to be able to go into the streets of a woman who had an issue of blood,
touched him. And he stopped for her, stopped in the midst of the crowd often, are we too busy for that phone call? How often do we get that text that we, we may, you know, quickly do emoji back, or we get the phone call and we just say, you got the, we got the pre-made, you know,
answers can't talk right now. Well, I'm challenging all of us today. The reality of truly understanding your value of people is how you treat them. And I've never been more embarrassed to be with someone when they treated a waitress who serving. And we don't know behind the scenes that she might have a sick child at home, that she might not be feeling her best.
She might be going through a divorce. We have no idea in the human level, but if we're in the spiritual consciousness, if we're in the spiritual connection with the holy spirit, the holy spirit will tell you those things will reveal to you. Those things in people so that you can be a vessel of Jesus Christ to serve them, to encourage them,
to lift them up, to give them the strength, to give them the hope and to them, to him if necessary. So today I challenge each and every one of us and I include myself. How much, how much do you value people? How much do you value people? Because see, here's the by-product of that. If you buy now value people,
because you recognize how much God values you, you value yourself. Oh yeah. Really important message there. Because if you value yourself, I'm not talking about ego. I'm not talking about cried. I'm talking about if you value yourself because of what has been poured into you through the intimacy of Christ as a toxin, Philippians chapter two, starting in verse one all through the first chapter.
If you've had an encounter with him, then have that encounter expressed in your treating of others. And you will then value yourself incredibly more than you could ever ask or imagine there's your challenge. It's on a platter. And I hope you take that challenge today. I have a prayer request right now, my sister, I just dropped her off at a Cleveland clinic.
She's going to get some minor surgery done today, but any surgery is important to pray for and lead her through the process because you've prayed for her. Many of you for her cancer being healed for her heart issues. I mean, she's just, she's battled, but now this is her new year and she's really going forward. And I'll tell you something.
She's one that really values people, values, friendship. And we had a beautiful sharing before the surgery center opened up. And that was just about what it was about. That's what motivated this particular teaching. As I got back to my office and my new studio, I realized it's really about people. That's why we're here. Are we? That's why we're here right now together.
So in the comments, why don't you say I value people. I value people, put that in the comments to, to recognize a reminder for you today and write it down, write it down in your journal, write it down in your, on your hand. As the kids do with phone numbers and stuff, write it down to remember it, to remind you to fan into flame,
the precious gift of people, such a precious gift that God himself chose to send his only begotten son to redeem us and to give us the holy spirit to help him. Yes, LPM redeem others through our love for people because Galatians says the greatest of everything. The only thing that counts is love. It's the only way that you can express love is through giving it to others.
Have a beautiful, precious day, loving people. See it tomorrow.
What Are You Doing with What You Got?
What are you doing with what you've got? That's the question for this mornings morning. Inspiration. Good morning. I'm Jeffrey Paul and the inspiration today is about challenging you in what you've got, not what you're going after. Let me share something with you that maybe you've heard this before, because it's one story in my life that absolutely illustrated perfectly John 15. And it came from the most unlikely person to teach that lesson.
My father-in-law beautiful man, tough as nails, short, little Italian man, born in Italy, immigrated to this country, raised his family and knew about grapes new, because that was his specialty. He was a incredible gardener and he, he took care in what he did. He was able to graph things together. He'd had a peach tree in a,
in a plum tree. He'd create new fruits. Amazing, amazing guy, but tough as nails. Like I said, wait, he came over our house, a brand new home when we had moved in Zena and I, and I think we might've had one of the boys or maybe two. And again, I was like, you know, try and impress the father-in-law.
And in this property that we bought, there was a grapevine and the grapevine had grown while we were setting up the house and everything else. And I was just so excited. I created a Tampa terrorist over the top of the fence, all these leaves and all these vines and all these, I mean, it was just immense. It was immense. It was about 30 feet long and it was immense.
And I couldn't wait for him to come over. Cause I wanted to prove I'm Italian. And I wanted to prove that I could grow grapes. Well, for those that have heard this story, you've heard what took place next, because I took them out. They're very proud and you know, pride proceeds the fall or maybe this case, the lesson.
And the reality was that he, he took his time. Cause I took him out there. He walked slow and he's looking and I'm watching him look and he had this little Italian hat on and he had his little mustache and he's looking at this 30 foot of vine and branches and you know, just green all over the place. It's a shade. It's like almost a shaded roof.
And he looks at me and he goes, you're stupid. That went right into my heart. What look at these, look at how big the leaves are. I said, look at, look at, look at this. And he said, where's your grapes? Where's the fruit. And I pause for a minute. And I really had to take back a step because I looked around and I figured it wasn't time.
Yet. He goes, it's almost past time. So he said, go a pair of pruning scissors in a garbage can. Well, he then pruned this 30 foot long vine down to the scrubs. There might've been 10 Leafs on it, but as he's going through it, he's teaching about these little suckers. He called them. They come off that SAP out the nourishment of the,
of the, of the vine and all these leaves that SAP out more and more of the nutrients of the vine. So that the vine, which has the production ability to grow great fruit is unable to produce fruit or it's very little fruit. Well, I'm, I'm, he's talking to me through this process. He's cutting this. We filled up three bags,
literally garbage bags. And he says to me, now listen to this. Now, watch your grapes grow well. I was for sure that that wouldn't happen. But the next morning, no, they didn't grow in the next morning, but the next morning I'm in my scriptures and I'm reading my Bible study still frustrated by the embarrassment of this situation. And the Lord guides me to John 15.
And I'm want you to know that I'm going to put that right now so that you don't forget it. The, the John 15 scripture came in my episode of my life experience with my father-in-law with a grapevine expounded, my understanding reveal, but through the holy spirit and incredible lesson that I want to share with you about what are you doing with what you've got?
You see one of the reasons why the grapes and by the way, they grew weeks later abundantly. I was so pleased and he just smirked at me when he came back over. But nonetheless, the real story is why are we not growing? Why are we not manifesting? What we're learning? Why are we not taking and being true disciples as John 15 talks about why is that?
Well, let me share with you a message that the Lord gave me this morning. There were three principles and one of you is probably going to be Johnny, but maybe janitor, Rebecca or Judith, you put this in the comments, there are three addictions or symptoms, or even a, you know, a process in your life in my life that we are like no other generation worse than any other generation.
Although they had similarities worse than any other generation. And these are the three of them. I want you to write them down. T O oh, too much, too, too many. And T O O fast, too much, too many too fast. We are not absorbing and digesting. We're not taking the nutriments. We've got too many leaves.
We've got too many suckers. We have very little food in most cases. So what does this all mean? It means that if you're doing a Bible study and then you're also running off to this study and that study, and you're reading this book in that book, how many of you been there? Raise your hands one way or another, even in the comments,
how many of us have three or four books on our desk ready to go after we've got, you know, one little article and one little sermon and maybe one YouTube. And we're trying, we're trying because we're, we're part of the vine, if you've accepted Christ in your life, but we we're, we got so much. And what we don't want to do,
listen to this. What we don't want to do because of the addiction is that, is that too much, too many too fast is that we don't want to stop and just take one thing, one thing, and really dig down deep into it and allow the holy spirit to reveal a deeper and deeper and a deeper and deeper in regards to the abundance of the fruit that comes from the word of God.
Now I'm going to show you something, hold on. This is a card because this is a symbol of, of what happened when they came back from the promised land. After going the first time in the promised land, they said that they would find abundance and grapes and milk and honey, well, Joshua and Caleb had to bring back a bunch of grapes on a,
on a pole between the two of them, because the bunch was so great. So big. So large. Now of course, that's a little exaggerated, but this is a symbol of ESSA girl, which is the Jewish sign of abundance. And the representation is this, that when we're connected to the vine, when we're focused and it says in John 15,
seven remaining in that take one scripture, take one scripture and extract every bit of nutrients out of it. We, before and after it read a commentary about it, study it, ask the holy spirit to reveal more to you. Even after he's revealed it to you, ask God to expose you to experiments. Life's experiences. My father-in-law, who's not here right now,
but you must have someone in your life. That'll walk into your life and give you the real illustration of that scripture so that it becomes so powerful, too much, too many, too fast. We have so many vehicles from Google to apps, to all the things that are out there. And we're chasing so many instead of focusing and really what's important because then you're no longer a permanent student.
You're a disciple. There's a difference. It could be born again, but with no fruits, but you can be born again, living in the spirit, producing incredible fruits, not by your strength, not by your power, but by what's being generated within you. As the vine feeds you. As the vine produces in you, the nutrients, you just simply pop the grapes and you have abundant graves,
much fruit. And it says fruit that will last. So here's what I'd like you to do for your own challenge. Your own life started verse one and go to the end of chapter 15 of the gospel of John, read it slow, take one at a time. Don't read the whole Bible today. Just take a few verses an over the week,
read and digest and reread again and digest and reread again and go through it so that you really come to the point, not to memorize it, but embody it to embody it so that it truly becomes one with you. And you become one with it. One scripture, I've heard so many authors and so many men and women of the spirit speak about one scripture that has transformed their lives continually.
It's never gotten no why. That's why in the first chapter of John, that God made the word living is the living word. And it will live in you unless you dormant, unless you don't allow it to manifest. Like I was doing with my grapevine in my yard. I hope this speaks to you in the comments. Simply let me know what you got out of this.
Simply let me know what you've gotten out of this, but do remember when you catch yourself too much, too many too fast, know that you have an addiction and firm on who was delivered from an addiction and many, I know what an addiction is and we can convince herself. It's not an addiction. We can convince ourselves that it's, it's good.
It's good because we're not doing bad things, but it's better to do one thing incredibly well. You have a beautiful day. See you tomorrow.
Living In the Spirit: Conversation with Guest, Tony Valore (Copy)
Good morning. This is an unusual Saturday morning kind of bonus, or was supposed to be a bonus. Last night, we were having a wonderful dinner with two beautiful friends of ours. And, and it was just one of those things that was just spontaneous and Tony and Jan and Valori and Tony got into a sharing of what the Lord was sharing with him on a day-to-day basis,
living active life in the spirit of working and being a parent of a beautiful dog, being a husband and all those things. Well, I said, impromptu, Hey, let's do a bonus session and we'll talk, we'll just have a discussion because it's going to be part of the weekend new format of, you know, it's morning inspirations. He was all excited about it.
So got everything set up, sending an announcement. Some of you got that and that's why you're here. And he couldn't make it. He happened to oversleep, but that happens as part of life in the spirit. So I'm going to take the Tony, the Lori off of my banner, and I'm going to still go on the show must go on.
So to say, and I want to really share with you what we were going to share, and we will we'll have him on again, near future. And if you have any interest in joining me on a discussion morning, discussion 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 of you, we can accommodate up to 10 and we plan to do that because again, instead of just my voice and just myself on the weekends,
it's great to have a little sharing, a study of what you're learning, what you're really feeling in the spirit or what you're struggling with. In fact, you don't, you want to put something in the comments, put down that only that you have an interest of joining me and I will send you a link and a date, but also what subject matter are you,
or what topic or what issue are you challenged by? You know, walking in the spirit and we're going to go there. And just a minute in first Thessalonians, chapter five, verses 16 through 22 in the message Bible, you know, living the life of a Christian Day to day is different than being a Christian in church. Would you agree if you agree?
Give me a, give me a yes, I agree here because so often we can be in our prayer time. And I know my sister, by the ways that her birthday today, would you all send her a happy birthday today, we're celebrating her birthday. That's Judith Maria. That's already on, you know, she goes into her per time, like I do each morning.
And you know, you feel that, that, that beautiful fragrance of the Lord, you feel the presence of the Lord. You feel good, you get through some challenges and difficulties, and then you go into the world and you get beat up or you get, you know, lost in the smoke of life. You know what I'm talking about? And,
and what do you do with that? Because we're not just the boast to go to church and be Christians and live in the spirit and church. We're not just supposed to go to our prayer closet and pray inhibitor devotionals, and read our Bible and, you know, be in the spirit then. But Christ wants us to be in the spirit 24 7. We've talked about that 24 7.
And it's so important to realize that, but how well, the scripture that I was going to share with Tony this morning, and first Thessalonians, as I said, 5 16, 3 22, turn your Bibles. There still just got a little bit more of a Bible study this morning, since I hope most of you don't have to go to work. I got my coffee.
It's filled to the brim, get your pencil on paper, your journal, and your Bible out and turn the first Thessalonians five, 16 and 22 through the message Bible. And I read it. And this is just a tip for you. When I on my Bible app. And I've told all of you about the Bible app, it's free life church,
a capacitor credit growth shell puts it out for free. It is everything from Bible searches to Bible versions, to devotionals, to you name it, it's there, and you can do it together. You can do it together. But in turn, when I read a scripture, I don't read it just from one translation. I generally start in my NIV because that's my basic of my,
my, you know, hard copy. And I read the search. The other ones that I go to so often, especially the amplified version. Why? Because it amplifies one sentence in the Greek or the Hebrew to really give you an in-depth understanding of that particular area of study. And then in my commentaries that are in my Bible, it's really another part of studying that scripture instead of just going through the scripture and knowing it.
So you go through a couple of different versions to see the different angles. The message Bible is more contemporary. The amplified burden is very, you know, much more deeper. And the interview is just like that balancing bridge between all of my fine, but I read them and I read a little bit before and I read a little after. So just to kind of a Bible study tip,
it's really important. Why? Because you want the Bible to lead your life in the spirit. That's what we're talking about today. You want the words of God, the counsel of God, the illumination of your steps that come from the word of God to really, really lead you in the living everyday in the spirit. So that there's the good days,
the bad days, the rough days, the easy days, the fun days and not so fun days that's life, but Christ knew that when he said for us to live in the spirit. So go with me to first Thessalonians, excuse me. And let's take a look at the scripture and, and really just meditate on it for just a moment. Verse 16 through 18 says this be cheerful,
no matter what would you put in the commentary for yourself? This is not for me now. No matter what, put that in the commentary, would you be cheerful no matter what, pray all the time. Now, let me define that. If you went into the amplified version, you did a study on that word, pray. That's not like praying a recital of words or a script or a written prayer or a list of,
I want things. The prayer it's that there is communion, communion, communion, like dialogue. Be dialoguing with me all the time. Be cheerful, no matter what, pray all the time. I think it should be reversed. If I were writing this being communion with me all the time as John 15 seven says, remain in me and I will remain in you though,
my spirit and why were to remain in you? That premise will allow you to be cheerful no matter what, no matter what we go on, it says, thank God, no matter what happens, there is again, no matter what, if you haven't already put it in the comments, put it in the comments and no matter what, this is the way God wants you,
who belong to Jesus Christ to live the live in the spirit. Well, let's go back. Do we just read two verses, but let's go back. Be cheerful, no matter what does it mean? Like how hot somebody just got hit by a car? No, as you study the other translations, as you study commentaries, as you study the word and you stop and let the holy spirit counsel you on what this says,
you'll understand that this cheerfulness is a reference to being not conscious, be fully conscious. The God is in control. No matter what you're looking at, no matter what you're experiencing, no matter what you see, God is in control. That is worth being cheerful about the other part of it, which comes out of Romans 8, 28 through 30. He's working somehow all things together for the good of his children each and every one of us.
Now, here's what we talked about last night. And that's what really spearheaded me. Do you know that some of the things that Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, David, you know, all of the prophets did or prophesized, or, you know, went through, performed a miracle and created a sense of change and transformation. Hundreds of years later, 400 years later,
200 years later, they never even saw the working all things together for the good, because the funnel of Adam and Eve, the funnel listen to the funnel of all of this was the focus on Jesus. The Redeemer coming to give us life everlasting and our life is still in the process because the story has been written. We haven't seen the end of the story until we walked through the pearly gates.
Do you want to see what I'm saying? So we can be careful, even if we don't see our prayers answered right now, we can be cheerful knowing that he knows what's best for us. We can be cheerful no matter what the government's doing, no matter what the circumstances, what the economics are doing, know what the health issues are. We can be cheerful because God is in control.
That's worth being cheerful for. So if you get that, if that comes across to you and put cheerful in the comments, put cheerful in the comments for us today. So the cheerful, no matter what print all the time, thank God, no matter what happens, this is the way God wants you and I to belong to Christ Jesus. And to live.
I look at 19 and 20 and 21 and 22. Don't suppress the spirit. Raise your hand. If you suppress the spirit, what does that mean? If you hear that quiet, whisper. If you hear that sense or you read that scripture and you know, that's for you and you walk away and ignore that you suppressed the holy spirit. When you are sensing in your spiritual consciousness,
this is not the way to go. I should, you know, and I'm not talking about the big things. It could be the very simple things, because as we do in the simple things we're going to do in the big things. And he says, don't suppress the spirit. And don't stifle. Those who have a word from the master. You know how many times that we may not listen to someone,
give you an example. My little Valentina, she's either Elijah's spirit in, in, in, in the flesh, but she is just amazing young girl. And especially both of them are of course, but she has the sense of the spirit. She has the sense of the spirit. And you'll say something, but because she's only nine years old, it would be easy to tell her what you should think.
It would be easy to be able to say, you don't know what you're talking about. It'd be easy because she may not be able to explain it in the amount of language that would be easy to, for an adult to communicate. But do we stifle them? What Jesus said, bring the little children to me, don't stay for them because that's worse than that thing.
You can imagine. He talks about, you know, throwing them in the sea with something around their neck and, and letting them drown. If you did this to the child, I mean, he really gets very visual in that situation. He says, bring these little shootings to me. Why from the, from the mouth of babes, great wisdom comes.
You've heard that thing. I'm sure before. So don't surpass the spirit and don't stifle. Those who have a word from the master. You know, so often someone you don't expect may have a really great word for you. So often if you're listening to the spirit, go back up to those first verses. And you're in communion with the Lord and it could be a bum on the street.
It could be a waitress. It could be. And they say something, they may be only a voice from God speaking through them. And they may not even be totally conscious of it. But the reality is, are we listening? Because we're hearing God's voice and listening. We definitely won't stifle that word. So again, don't suppress the spirit, listen closely in obey what he says to you.
It's for your very best. And don't stifle. Those who have a word for the master. On the other hand, don't be gullible. I mean, don't just chase every word down. Don't be like a fool. And you know, this is the way it going in and that's the way and go at it. And it talks about that in the,
in the old Testament house. Sometimes we just go into the left and right. And we're just running around in circles from every word. What would Jeff, how would I know which one, how do I know which one's right or wrong? Glad you asked that question. The word, because if somebody brings you the word, the Bible says, test everything by the word,
test everything by the word. When Paul went to Athens and he went to the teachings and he went to, to the, you know, to Berea and he, he listened to all these philosophies for the whole day. I mean, he honored and respected their beliefs. Why? Because after he had done that, they respected him to give his testimony and his understanding of God and his understanding of the gospel.
What did they do? Did they believe right away? No, they were wise individuals, probably the wisest around at that point, they all went home and examined what Paul said against the scriptures. And the next day multitudes had come to Christ because they had seen what Paul shared was from the spirit and was from God and his word, not from Paul,
not from Jeff, not from anybody else. Are you following me? So in turn, on the other hand, don't be gullible. Check out everything, check out everything B be wise as a serpent and as innocent as a dove, the scripture says, and keep only what is good dispense with whatever else is, is thrown at ya throughout anything tainted with evil.
Now, what are we talking about today? We are talking about the relationship of living life, life, real life, male, female child, student worker, retiree in the hospital, hospital life real life, no matter where you have been placed in this story, no matter where you've been placed in this relationship of life, living life, the way the spirit leads.
And the only way to do that without getting twisted up is to truly listen to the holy spirit, truly be in that community. And that, that will forever first versus talk about really being in consciousness. Do you want to listen to the spirit more? Do you want to take the spirit out of your per time and devotional time in the morning, inspirational time,
put it in the, in the comments again, I want to hear the spirit, put that in the comments. I want to hear the spirit, put that on the, on the alter right now and allow that fragrance to go up in the spirit of God, because you know who wants that more than you is God, because he wants his children to be guided,
cared for, watched over alert. Knowing ahead, before the circumstances take place and being conscious of being cheerful, knowing that he's working all things together for good. He wants that for you. So if you want that, if you want to really hear the spirit, if you really want to understand the spirit, if you really want to be conscious of the spirit so you can live life in the spirit,
then the relationship is this five words that I use since the first days that I came to the Lord, the first word is stuck stuffed. In fact, I think I got that today. My journaling today. Yes, I did. I even showed you one of the words you shared with me. Stop. You see that stop and stop. Stop all the chatter.
Stop all the doing. Stop. All the, the processing. Stop. All the electrical calling and dings and beings really stop. I put that in the, in the notes, stop capital letters, put it in stop. And for those that are like eight type, let me put an explanation point after that, stop really stop. If you really want to live life in the spirit,
you really want to hear the spirit. The first of five keys to transformation that Lord has put in my heart and I've taught for over 45 years now and live, try to live every day. Stop. I could be in the busiest day and I know it's going downhill. I know I'm in a tailspin and I'll go bury myself to just stop. Just stop,
stop thinking, stop trying stuff. Stop. And in the stillness, Psalms 46 10 says be still and just know that I'm God, I'm here with you. I'll never leave you or forsake you. I've told you that I am in control. I'm working all things together for the good. And I like what he's been telling me recently, he'll say to me now,
listen, I got this. I got this. So the reality to that is, is that you have to stop. What's the second word. Listen, once you get into that state, listen, don't just buzz in and buzz out. Stop. Bring that stillness to know that he's God that he's with you, bring their consciousness, bring that, that atmosphere around you,
of the, of the kingdom of God that it's talked about throughout the scriptures. And then, and then take the time to listen. What is he saying too? I got this. I'm working all things together for the good I haven't lost control. I don't care what the news media says. I don't care what the pandemic is. The numbers are.
I don't care. I don't care. I'm in control. Been here, done this already. Jeff, after you've listened change, transform. And you know, you don't have to do anything except surrender. Your thinking of before there was running around and everything's going upside down. You're conscious of the task that you got to get through. And the time is getting passed to what you all that you change because he said,
when you stopped, he's got this, he's working on things together. And if you come out of your closet or you come out of the bathroom or we're coming wherever you were at stopping you change, you're transformed you Romans chapter 12, verse two, you've been transformed by the renewing of your mind. God's in control. Me and I was getting scared.
I thought I was in control. Oh my God, I am so grateful. I am not in control. And then obey. That's the fourth word? Obey. Obey means to believe what he said. When he was walking gyrus to go heal his daughter and the woman stopped him and the woman with blood, anytime Jesus took the time to hear and dialogue with her and then heal her.
That was for him for Jaris. That was so long and a child was dying. And by the time the Jesus turned back to him, his servant says, don't bother the master. Your daughter's dead. Oh my gosh. What a, what an impact? What does Jesus say? Jesus says, cheers. Jared's Jaris. Stop. Listen to me changed from thinking how they're thinking.
Don't be afraid. He says just believe don't be afraid. Just believe don't be afraid that the world's in control. You're in control the S the health issues. The disease is in control, just believe. And the fifth word that I'll close on is trust. And although you may know this verse, study it because after you have stopped after you've listened,
after you have changed and been transformed by the renewing of your mind, and you obey and believe what you have sensed and felt and heard in the spirit, then it is an absolute must that you trust. That's the fifth word trust in the Lord. Proverbs chapter three, verse five and six, read it eat. And if you could recite it word for word,
read it slower, read it in every translation. You can get your hands on or get in your app. Trust in the Lord and lean, not on your own understanding. Stop trying to be God and let God be God, stop trying to fix it and let him restore, renew and replace it. If necessary, understand to trust in the Lord is the highest level of surrender,
because we have to re surrender that we're in control. We know better. We are smarter, just like a child who thinks that they're smarter than their parents. And they're not, no matter what digital things that they have and all that intelligence of electronics, they're not smarter than the wisdom of life of the parent that may give them them the life itself.
How are we thinking we're better or smarter than God? Would you say Jeff? I never, never feel that way. Every time you take your life in your own hands, you are seeing without words, but with action, I am in control. I am God in this circumstance. Oh yes. Check the scriptures out. But every time I surrender,
I say, Lord, this is not what I want. This is the prayer to disseminate. This is not what I want, but I will be done Lord, that I will be done because your will, your power, your strength, your love for me is greater than anything else. And that's why in first, John chapter four verse 16 says,
rely and depend on this love that God has for you. So living life in the spirit, you may want to review over this, this session this morning. It's really the most important part of our walk, living in the spirit. For two reasons, it makes it a whole lot easier for you and me to live life in the spirit and not trying to fix our lives and take control of our lives.
But it's also the illumination that is in the world of our life, weight, eating to others. When something happens to you, your testimony that you look to them and say, you know, God's got this, guy's working all things together for the good. And I'm not just seeing words. I'm not just saying, make those words come out of your mouth.
I've seen from your soul that you believe in him, that sense that all things are working together for the good. I may not even see all those things work together for the good, I mean that see the result of this. But I will from heaven. I will, from my eternal position of my life. Wow. You ready to live life in the spirit then in the comments say,
yes, I'm ready. Yes. I'm ready. Yes. I'm ready. And then do me a favor, please. Listen to me, share this message with your finger and click share. Send it out. I'm going to check afterwards if you've done that, because if you really got something from today and I'd love you to put in, in the,
in the comments, what you got out of this, what's one thing, one thing that you, you are extracting from this Mo this time of what look like, listen to this, look like it was going to be a discussion with my dear friend, Tony Valori. It was going to be, it was improv. I sent out a post and an early post I got already in and found out he couldn't make it.
I could have just canceled. I could have just said, you know, you know, postpone, but the Lord had better idea. Cause when I went there, I said, what am I supposed to do? Or, you know, when somebody doesn't show up, what do you do? These live in the spirit, share with them. What I've shared with you.
You don't have to make things up. So as you go through this day, every time you find yourself playing God, and that sounds harsh, but it's true. Every time that you are playing God, fixing and maneuvering, people are maneuvering. Your life are trying, and you're going faster than you think you're going to catch up sooner or later. You know what that's like?
It's like the hamster wheel say, stop, listen, change, obey and trust that moment of pause. That moment of listening. That moment of believing that moment of trusting would change your life. That I can guarantee that I can guarantee. So let me know your thoughts in the, in the commentaries. Let me know your, your challenges. Tell me,
but most of all of anything, please let me know. Let me know. One thing that today spoke to you that whoever's on now or later on the replay that an unexpected teaching, an unexpected circumstance that caused the event, not the happen, turned out to be this sharing with you 27 minutes. What did you personally get out of this from the Lord?
Take the time to really put it in there in the comments. Not for my good, but for you to be able to express as how Baca chapter two verses two through four says when you have had revelation, write it down, write it down because as you write it down, Habakkuk says it will Herald you. It will remind you, it will encourage you.
It will sound the trumpets for you to remember when you're faced with that moment to take control again, to take control again, to fix your wife, to fix your husband, to fix your kids, to fix the world, to fix, fix, fix, fix, fix, fix your granddaughters, whatever it is you step back, step back and let God be God and work all things together for the good.
Have a beautiful, beautiful weekend. Looking forward to reading some of your comments. See it Monday.
How Do We Lose Our Way In Life?
I think you go wrong in life. Maybe you haven't, but you'd have to have a compass. If you were traveling through life and trying to find the destiny for your life, the best direction of your life. I have a question for you this morning. I'm Jeffrey Paul, and this is your morning inspiration. And I'm just going to ask you, do you have a compass for your life?
Do you have a compass to know, first of all, where you're at and then are you true north true north meaning are you really headed in the direction that you began on? You know, it's like, let's say a marriage, a marriage has its process of, of, of travel. You know, you meet somebody and you either inspired by them and you're touched by them and you fall in love with them.
And then you move into marriage with them. And there's a fork in the road. Either this marriage continues to go in the right direction because they have a compass, they have the direction or divorced. What happens in a situation like that, or you start a career, you know, destiny that you want to become an astronaut, or you want to become a,
you know, a hairdresser or you want to become whatever you want to become. And then suddenly you lose your direction. You lose your compass, you lose where you were going. How does that happen? How does that happen? Well, let's just talk a little bit about how that can happen and how you can find your compass and get back in the direction that you started.
Or maybe you've been called to in so many times in the scriptures, especially Isaiah 30, I've left it here, just here in the, in the screen, as well as in the, in the comments and Isaiah 30 verses 15 through 22, it's worth reading often. I mean, because I need it very, very often, but it talks about an individual who is absolutely finding the,
his way. He finds the, the voice of God. He finds the understanding of God. He, he is revealed the knowledge of his destiny, the plan that God has for him. But then he has this super natural process of thought. It says, I'm going to run faster than God's plan. I'm going to go in the direction, but I'm going to go with it with all energy all out.
And I'm going to take every new, you know, sharp and shiny thing. And I'm going to, I'm going to, I'm going to go, I'm going to go for it. And it says that he ends up on the hill, like a Flagstaff with no flag, many. He lost his way. Now the good news in that scripture. And I'm blessed by it.
It says that, but God waits anxiously to bring him back. Like he does all of us. But so often we get distracted in life, on her journey or a destiny. And when you have had the moment that I'm sure you have, if you come with here from morning to morning, you must had this moment. Let me ask you, if you had that moment where you've heard God in an inkling inside you show,
you kind of pull back the curtain and reveal your future, reveal your career, reveal the relationship of the person in your life, reveal something to you. And then what, well then what is the most important part of it all? Because if you don't have a compass, you get lost. You start off with whatever it is, career relationship, marriage,
your spiritual journey, and you don't have a compass. Well, what is that compass Jeffrey, please tell me what does that compass in your, in your bone was not that one that won't lead your life, that might get you to Disney world, but it's not going to lead your life, but hearing God's voice remaining close and allowing his true compass that he has given us each and every one of us,
which is his word. And as we really seek at every crossroads of our life every day and in every circumstance, in every situation to really seek him with all our heart, the scripture says, we'll find our way. Jeremiah speaks of that. So often, especially in every chapter of 29, verses 11 through 14, if you seek him with all your heart,
that means that if you're going to do anything, you need to have the compass of God's voice guiding you and leading you and the holy spirit, bringing you along and stopping you from going where the bridge might be out, going into a relationship that can destroy and demolish anything that you could imagine. And it's interesting in the book of Proverbs where the father takes the,
I don't know how old the child is, but I'm thinking it's bar mitzvah, time, 16 years old. And he takes him to the window and he throws the, the shutters open. And he stands there with his son. And he begins to tell him about this road, the road of wisdom and knowledge and this road. So the road of the prostitute,
and he begins to express the right way and the wrong way in the journey of life. And it is the most magnificent as a father and our grandfather, the ability to open the eyes of a child and we're children of God to reveal the free will that we have in the choice of our journey. And as we do that, my goodness, it's amazing.
If we stand with our father, father, our God, and listen to what he says in the instructions of the crossroads, that we hit in life in the opportunities called them in life to leave the right path. Then as we listened to him, we take the right path. He gives the illumination of our steps. As the scripture talks about it.
He straightens the crooked road. He says in his scriptures, he lowers the mountains. He raises the Baileys. He says in his scriptures and it gives us strength, divine power, and the ability to walk and not faint run and not become tired and sore like on wings of Eagles. If we're on the right path, that does mean doing everything right,
and being perfect whole, not at all. That's why. Thank God we've got, you know, salvation, God, God's salvation of the cross of Calvary, this paid for every wrong move. So when we get, and that's what you'll learn in that Isaiah scripture, when we get the relationship of what I said in regards to off the track off the beaten track,
missing the due north, the true north he's right there. It says in the scripture today, he's right there eager to bring you back to the path, to stand at the window with the, with the shutters opened up and say, now, listen, let's go through this again. This is the way this is the way walk in it, walking it with me.
And there's one beautiful, beautiful term that is used in Matthew 1128 through 30 in the message Bible. It's the rhythm of grace. And as you want your day to day, life on your journey to eternity, but through all of the circumstances, situation, calendar, dates, and birthdays of this life. If you truly walk in the rhythm of grace,
it's a different journey. It's a journey that is absolutely worth, truly listening to his voice, following his ways, and truly making him as your partner in your life long journey. Let me know what your thoughts are. In fact, let me know what you're going to take away from this. What's the one thing the one thing is I talked about yesterday,
the, today you listening right now can take away from this, put it in the comments for me. What's the one thing today that we've shared in regards to the Isaiah 30 and the compass and the different things that I've shared with you. What's the one thing today that you'll take with you, write it in the comments and then write it on a tablet,
write it on a post-it note, write it on your hand. Like the kids do whatever it is, write it out. So you really, truly will be motivated, inspired by this. And for sure, listen to that voice will lead you to the Right and you'll see, you'll see the fulfillment of your destiny that he has planned for. You have a beautiful day,
see you tomorrow. Oh, so the weekend I'll see you Monday, but I may pop up anytime during the weekend. So you never know. The Lord might inspire me to do that.
The ONE THING For You!
What's the one thing in your life. What's the one most important thing? Well, you know what, that's a pretty big question. I'm Jeffrey Paul, and I'm here with your morning inspiration and we're going to dive into the depth of what is the one thing, you know, people are searching all over the world, searching all over the globe for that one thing,
for that one thing in their life. Well, there's a teaching of a real life experience where Mary and Martha out of Luke chapter 10, get the answer to the one thing, you know, this morning I was, I was going through my journaling and going through my process of my day-timer. And, you know, I try to be really disciplined and got done with my exercise.
And I checked that off in my, my, you know, daytime. And I went through the process of getting my coffee ready, and I get my vitamins. I don't know all those things, all those things. And I finally finally sat down. I started reading a devotional and went through that and it was really good. I found some really good things and that led me to another thing.
It led me another thing. I was even on the internet to find some of the things that I was learning and finding the people that were teaching it. It was a dust storm around me, remind me like peanuts, that kid that would walk and he'd have a dust, you know, dust flying everywhere. He would go, Hey ed, I began writing to the father and my journalist said,
father, how can I focus on the one thing? There's so many voices, there's so many things to do. There's so many opportunities. There's so many voices. And I finally Simon to those voices listened to his voice and he began to pour out to me some of the most incredible things that you can imagine. And I want to share those with you today because in the story of Mary and Martha,
the answer in a very few verses, and I've told you this before, all the answers are in the scriptures. You may not a hundred percent believe that, but all of the scriptures are filled with illumination of the steps that you need to take. But that takes one step at a time. And if your scattered, if you were, you know,
going in multiple directions, if you were like all of us that have so many things to do, and so many places to go, the reality is that truly you lost you using so much energy. You use in so much of your, your love and your compassion to, to really just feed a whole lot of other things that are not feeding you.
Then they're not giving you what you need to do. So let's get to Mary, Martha, you know the story, Martha's got a beautiful home. She invites Jesus and the HUD Tire gang over for dinner with the big, I mean, we have spaghetti dinners. Every Sunday. We got a pretty big family that all come together. Thank God. But you imagine 12 disciples,
Jesus, and whoever else came through the door, she was preparing the meal for everybody because she really loved Jesus. But her sister, Mary Is nowhere to be found. She wasn't in the kitchen. She wasn't in the pantry. She wasn't, you know, she wasn't cooking. She wasn't, where is Mary Martha Saying, I'm doing all this work.
I'm taking care of all these people. And this is all for Jesus. This is all for Jesus. So she finally goes into the living room where Jesus is teaching and lo and behold, where's Mary right at his feet, right at his feet. And she comes over, interrupts the Bible study. Can you imagine that she is so frustrated? She's got her apron on.
She probably got a little, little, a flower on her forehead. He had the reality is that she goes, Jesus, don't you realize I am taking care of all your gang. And I want to bless you with a wonderful meal. And my sister, Mary is not Even helping Me to realize how many things I have to do. And let's see what Jesus had to say to her in Luke chapter 10,
verse 41 and 42. How did the amplified version? But the Lord replied to her. Martha, Martha, you are worried and bothered and anxious about so many things, but only one thing is necessary for Mary has chosen the good part, that which is to her advantage, which will not be taken away from her. Wow. What was he talking about?
She was remaining in him as John 15 seven, and you've probably been here even more. One other time. I've heard use that scripture because it's my Paramont scripture remain in me and allow my voice to remain in you. That's the one thing, that's the one thing after you've accepted him, if you let him come into your house, Martha and Mary,
after you asked him to live in you, it is in necessity to remain at his feet, listening to him, dialoguing with him, getting to know him better and let him let you know how he knows you best. There's one thing. There's really one thing. And it isn't a question mark of which one of the things you need to do. It's one.
And the one thing is absolutely to listen to his voice, to put all your energies in this and his voice. Does that mean I don't go to work? Jeff, does that mean that I don't? I don't take care of my household. I don't cut the grass. I just have a Bible study. No, not at all. God has gone through the Bible many,
many times with regards to how you need to be responsible to your family, responsible for your work response. He's the Bible has those answers to those kind of questions. To try to take you off the track, then what is it? The 24 7 24 7. You are seeking to hear his voice. 24 7. You are dialoguing with him. You are continually within his presence,
that he is holding you at his feet within his presence so that you can hear his voice clearly discerning his voice. See, David even said, even while I sleep, your voice speaks to me. So if you're really seeking to know the one thing, the one thing in your life that is the most important that will get you to the Heights, get you to your destiny,
get you to the best life you can live in this fallen world. Then the one thing is to hear his voice, discern his voice, read his word and continue to put it into application in your life. How that buzzes you. It buzzed me this morning, cause I was buzzing around in my, to do and my things to do. And my list,
if I showed you my list, it probably would overwhelm you. But the reality was when he settled me down and he sat me at his feet and I began to dialogue with him and he began to truly stop the world around me and really allow me to hear his voice. And he said this out of Isaiah 30, you said, this is the way walk in it.
Isaiah 30 verse 21. This is the way walk in it. It is to remain in me, dialogue with me, share with me, work with me, play with me, continue to do all that you do and be with me and allow me to show you the very beautiful way to live your life. If you feel the sense of that word,
speaking to you this morning, please put in the comments, put in the comments right now the way, just put the words the way. And now you don't have to put a question mark behind it. You know that he has told us this morning, the way as he told Martha and Mary, the ways to remain in him to hear his voice,
the dialogue with him to find it precious, to be in his presence, to ask him the questions that Google doesn't mean. You can't use Google. And it doesn't mean you don't need to use Siri, but the reality of your life, the real life, the spiritual life that we live on this earth that we're in, but not have need to have one thing need to have one thing.
And that one thing that's a highest priority above all of the priorities, which doesn't mean you don't have other priorities, but the highest priorities as Steve Covey said, first things first aligned your life so that you can walk the way that he is showing you the why. And that's the best path because he's promised that of Jeremiah 29, 11 through 14, he has a plan for you.
A plan not to harm you, but to prosper you and bless you and bring you right into the gates of heaven. If you listen to his voice and say, yes, Lord, to the way he showed you have a beautiful day. Let me know what you think and have this shared on your Instagrams, on your, on your Facebook. I knew whatever so that you can truly help others find out the one thing.
In fact, put hash mark, would you read it right now? Put hash mark. One thing in the comments, hash mark, one thing, all capitals letters that you can hash mark one thing and send it out to the world. So they really realize, wow. There is an answer as Martha father. There's really an answer to one thing.
Yes, there is. I have a beautiful day. I look forward to seeing it tomorrow.
The Love Affair That Transforms Lives
We're going to talk about a love affair. I don't know about you, but I sure hope you had a love affair, but we're not going to talk about the typical love affair that you might have between a man and a woman. We're going to talk about an incredible level of fear that transforms lives. Good morning. I'm Jeffrey Paul for your morning inspiration,
and we're going to dive deep into the love subject. And I hope that you're willing and really wanting to learn more. Let me, let me take you to a couple of things that are really going to kind of touch you to scriptures that will represent what I want to share with you today that the Lord has been putting on my heart in the book of the songs for the song was sound of songs or called songs of Solomon.
That is the old Testament, right near Psalms and Proverbs and Ecclesiastics. Solomon wrote a poem that was so powerful, so meaningful, and so metaphorical because although it represented a man and a woman going through their relationship and their search for each other and their wonder of each other, the representation was God, the lover, the male and the female, the beloved in love,
like nothing we could write about or put into a card from hallmark. And that message in the song of songs is so powerful because it represents God's desire. God's will God's plan that you and he have a love affair. And so often we don't realize what love is because we don't get enough time to experience it. We're rushing around. And even if we get married,
we're writing the to life right after the honeymoon, but here's a quote that I've got scrolling along the bottom. I want you to kind of really just meditate at what that says in regards to what love is love is to know, and to be known and desired by another. When you agree, if you agree, give me an agreement, let me know that you feel the same way that love is to know,
and to be known and desired by another. We all are born with that God hole inside of us. We are all born with that need within us, but what happens somehow, somehow we missed the mark. Somehow distortion of love in the human understanding really messes it up or in the religious level of misinterpretation. We misunderstand the whole Bible is representative from the beginning of Genesis to the revelation,
close the love affair of the lover of God Seeking desiring the encounter of lover, you and me, Jesus in John 17, he prayed for it. He prayed that we would know the love affair that he had with the father and that he had with us and wants us to have that same love affair so important. But let me take you to a scripture.
I really want you to see this in the scripture itself. I want you to, let me read this to you. And I would almost recommend that you just close your eyes and let me read this from the message Bible and the representation of a fusions chapter three, verse 14 through 19. And I'm going to pray this for you. So this is kind of a prayer gift from me to you today,
but let me, let me speak. As Paul spoke 2000 years ago today, as current is God is it says this, my response is to get down on my knees before the father, this magnificent father parcels out all heaven and birth. I ask him to strengthen you by his spirit that a brute strength, but a glorious, inner strength that Christ will live in you as you open the door and invite him in.
And I asked him to give you both, both feet planted, firmly on love. You'll be able to take in with all the followers of Jesus, the extravagant dimensions of Christ's love, reach out and experience the breath, test its length, plumb. The depths rise to the Heights, live full lives, full in the fullness of God. God can do anything,
you know, far more than you could ever ask or imagine or request in your wildest dreams. He does it and that pushing you around, but by working with us, his spirit deeply and gently within us. Wow, well, that's my prayer for you because so often we are missing the mark. We're looking for the right series of rules and we're looking for the right things to do,
or we're looking for when we get ourselves, you know, transformed and into the place of that relationship of, of a better person. Well, I have another scrolling point here, and I want you to look at this quote came to me this morning, right? From my heart, from my journal. This is what it said, that I know the Lord spoke this to me.
And it was really the very thing that I realized because I teach so often transformation that love love of God is the only power that can transform lives. Again, the true love of God is the only power that can transform lives. Romans talks about transforming lives and renewing your mind. We can't do that. You can't do that, but as you begin to truly become in depth in the,
in the, in the relationship, the love of your songs of Solomon, I put the scriptures here that I want you to read, and I want you to take the time. Take the time. Love is worth. The time love is worth. The time your experience of my prayer for you is from putting your time into the word and the love of the word love a fear of is intimacy of talking to you in journaling his words down on paper.
The real love affair is between you and God. And he will do anything for that. And he's proven it through Jesus on the cross and the resurrection. He loves you. He loves you more than you could ever ask or imagine, but I want you to realize that it takes time. It takes the ability for you to like a love affair, to gain the ability for yourself to know it is.
I gave you that quote to know, and to be known in, understand his desire for you, men. It doesn't get better than that. It doesn't matter what you have or don't have. It doesn't matter how old you are or how young you are. It doesn't matter what the circumstances are in your life. When you have this love, this love,
affair, all things, all things come together. All things really wraparound the physical part of you and eliminates that. And you go to a depth in your heart. That is absolutely beyond expression of words that I could ever give you. But I want you to experience it. I really want you to experience it. I want to also note something for you.
I promise that I was going to announce this last week, but my team definitely said don't yet don't yet don't yet. We started a new podcast and it's called morning inspiration, and it's going to be every day. And we are so excited about it because beyond just interviews that I do on my other podcast, hearing God's voice, this particular is going to be these morning sessions.
So you can listen to it after you get off work, or anytime that you want to listen to it, we're going to do Bible studies. We're going to do a question and answer. We're going to have a group discussions. It's going to be just an absolute inspiration, and it's not only gonna be mornings, but it's going to be in the mornings and Erin in the mornings.
And it can be an every podcast system that you have. So I put the link and I'd like you to go and subscribe, but I put the link right here. I'll do it again. I'm going to put the link in here that you come and join us and truly, truly learn from it. Enjoy it. Be inspired by it, motivated,
empowered by it because it truly is a programming that I believe God's calling all of us to, to be inspired by him. So we can go into this world that has so many shades of darkness, so many difficulties and challenges that we need inspiration. But without we talked about today, the love affair without the intimacy that knows that love never fails. That love never fails.
And one more school that I'll put out there that love never, ever ends. There's no end to love. It's why we get ramped up into this understanding of love right now in this world where we're at. Can you imagine what it's going to be like when it explodes in eternity? So get on the launch pad of love. You don't love it today.
Put your stuff on the side, put your things aside and put your worries and your fears and your anxiety aside, and just have a love affair today with God in his word. It's a beautiful day. We'll see it tomorrow.
What Does God Say About Worry?
What does God say about worry? Good morning. I'm Jeffrey Paul. And I'm here with your morning inspiration and the try to give all of us a better understanding through the scriptures, through the wisdom of the holy spirit, how we deal with worry, because we learn what God has to say about worry. And I think the scripture that the spirit gave me this morning is absolutely perfect.
It's perfect because in fact, I'm going to put it in the chat right now for you that you've got that it's Matthew 6 27, and it's amazing how the word has absolutely every answer when you really search it for our lives. I mean, every answer to every question, can you imagine that my granddaughters always tease me and say, poppy, Google has all the answers and my answer back to them.
And they chuckled because they're waiting for my answer. And I say, oh no, Jesus, the holy spirit has all the answers. And so we chuckle and laugh, but it's the truth. We've gone to believe that there's an answer outside of the true realm of the creator himself. God who's created you and me, the earth and everything in it.
The scripture says, so let's talk about worrying. Let's take a look at what it says in the scriptures about worry and this simple verse, although please take the time to read the entire area of a, of chapter six in Matthew, but in verse 27, look at this. Can any one of you by worrying, add a single hour to your life.
Now that's a rhetorical question. I learned that word way back when, and I really liked that. It's a rhetorical question means, you know the answer, you know, the you and I know the answer, whether you're a Christian or not, you know the answer, why worry is not going to change a darn thing, but it does produce something.
Oh yeah. Thoughts have a energy and worry produces negative energy and negative energy can produce very unbelievably, awful results from health to aging to losing your hair. It really can. It really can because science has shown that, that the, the, the process of our body developing and manufacturing, negative energy burns stuff up. And that's the job of the enemy,
which is John 10, 10. His only job is to Rob kill and destroy that which God gives. What does God give in this case scenario? What gives a beautiful scenario of study the birds of the year and the lilies of the valley that addressed more beautiful than Solomon, but the truth comes continually as you seek the scriptures because he gives us hope and hope is absolutely a positive energy.
And is we look at a circumstance and the self, the ego, the mind wants to create that worry negative energy. Then hope that all things are working together for the good is truly a positive energy that produces. I mean, if negative produces illness and, and aging and everything else I said to you, then what is hope? Well, let me first read the scripture that the Lord gave me this morning in regards to hope out of Hebrews chapter six.
And if one of you would put this in the commentary, because I didn't add it to my notes for you to have, but I know that someone's going to ask for it after the session today, but Hebrews chapter six, verse 19, again, I'll say that again. And if somebody can put it in the comments, Hebrews six verse 19, this is what it says from the NIV version.
We have this hope as an anchor for the soul. Now the soul is the mind feelings and emotions of the, the nature of the human being. So it says we have the hope as an anchor, as an anchor to from, and hold our soul secure. It enters the inner sanctuary behind the curtain. What does it all mean? Well, if you read before and after that and should always do that on a scripture,
because it puts it in context. But when we were apart from God, from Adam and Eve, there was no way to get, you know, into that personal intimate relationship. When Christ died on the cross, hope was exploded and reborn reborn, and that hope and knowledge and security was that we have eternal life, that we have life with God forever now.
And in our afterlife, our eternal life. Well, Jeff, how does it have to do with worry? Let's roll it back a little bit. What do you do when worry strikes you? And it strikes all of us. It can be a little tiny worry. It can be a worry about the future. It can be a worry about your health.
It could be worried about economics. Again, you worry about so many things, especially today. If you, I hope you're not watching the news, but if you were, you have a lot to be worried about, but in turn, as you go to the word of God and you listen to the word of God, whisper to your heart hope,
and you begin to speak words of hope, just like Romans 10 talks about how our salvation comes, comes from hearing the word, confessing our faith and believing it and we're saved well. If the greatest of all things, salvation is produced by hearing the word, speaking the word and believing the word in our hearts. Then if worry, attacks, you begin to use the word of God as it is a weapon,
a offensive weapon that it's, you're like, you're, you're, you're going for the score. And you use it by taking overtaking captive. Every thought of worry by having something like this and the many more that are there. This scripture out of Hebrews six verse 19, we have this hope as an anchor for the soul firm and secure. It says it enters the inner sanctuary behind the curtain where God is in that intimacy of your personal relationship,
where you hear his voice say to you, I got this, I got this. I'll take care of this. Don't worry about this. I'm going to work all things together for the good don't ignore it. No, no, no. Abraham faced the facts that his body was as good as dead. Romans chapter four. It speaks about that. We're not putting our heads into a,
a foolish, you know, craziness of the wrong way of thinking. That's denial. The truth is that the face, the facts that there might be a circumstance, but put the anchor in to your thoughts. God is working all things together for the good, he is my hope. He is my strength. He will work all things together for the good,
he will work and complete a good work that he's begun. And as you have these kinds of scriptures where he has no place where he has no place to find itself, but as it talks about the emptying of the house and the cleaning of the house, where the seven spirits, in addition to the first spirit come back because it's empty. Well, when worry comes back,
if you don't fill it on a daily basis in your prayer time, in your reading time of the scriptures, in your meditation, in your, in your memories of, of reciting the scriptures throughout the day and all the other things that can help you, then your house is empty and worry will supersede, overwhelm and overcome you. But if your soul is anchored and you're pouring out the spirit,
you're pouring through the mouth, listening to your ears and believing it by faith. As he said to Jaris, don't be afraid. Just believe, then worry has no place in you. So don't worry. Be happy. See tomorrow.
What Are You Telling Yourself?
“For as he thinks in his heart, so is he [in behavior—one who manipulates].”
What are you telling yourself? That's a question that we're going to dive deeper into because it's easier to really realize what's going on around you but we tend to do the blame game a lot.
It's the weather. It's the government. It's the pandemic. It's my wife. It's my kids. It's my boss - the blame game. What are you telling yourself? Because that's what you're living.
Good morning, Jeffrey Paul, with your morning inspiration and a question. What are you telling yourself? What are you telling yourself? That's a question that we're going to dive deeper into because it's easier to really realize what's going on around you in regards to the problems, the circumstances, the situation, and flip it, flip it, flip it, blame game.
The blame game is it's the weather. It's the government. It's the pandemic. It's my wife. It's my kids. It's my boss. The blame game. What are you telling yourself? Because that's what you're living. The Proverbs. The book of Proverbs has one scripture. That is probably one that has been quoted across both the Christian realm and the non-Christian world.
And that is in Proverbs 23, verse seven, especially from the new king James or the amplified version. It says as a person thinks. So there are, you see, we have a power that God has given us our free will, and we can decide what to believe or not to believe. And the process of belief I follow me now, the process of belief is,
as you're thinking and agreeing with your thinking, whether it comes from the news media from your mother, way back when, or your father or any other circumstances that have taken place, as you continue to think that this is true, or this is harmed you or they're to blame or whatever it might be, you continue to live in that. Excuse my expression,
cesspool, because it is, it is a mess. You know, the reality of what Paul says that I, I feel that what I had was filthy rags compared to what I have attained through Christ. And what does that really mean? But that he realized the, the way that he was thinking he was going to destroy and kill the Christian movement.
He watched him at the get stone, realize the relationship of how we think is so important. It is so important. And we have the power given to us. If we've accepted Christ in our hearts, we have the power to now, here's now over my shoulder, you see that little sword in the framework, you and I have the weapons to defeat these thoughts,
to cut them out of our lives and to replace the thoughts that are those, that of God and change our life. That's what transformation is. Transformation is going from what you're thinking in your thoughts, your ways, your experiences, or your issues, and transforming into the mind of Christ, his thoughts, his ways, his words, but if you're not putting into you,
those words that come really from the, the sword, from the sword of the word. And I want to share that with you. Let me show you the scripture because it is so, so powerful. This scripture in second, Timothy chapter three, verse 16 and 17 says all scripture is God's breath and is useful for teaching rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness so that the servant of God,
you and myself, maybe thoroughly equipped for every good work. Wow. I love that because it's true. But are we using what is true? Are we putting into practice? What is true? Are we really advancing ourselves? Are we really advancing yourself to the level that really necessarily gives us the ability to think the thoughts of God to say the words of God?
Well, let me show you the mechanism. And then you've take this home and you try it for yourself. The first thing you do is you take in the holy spirit by asking Christ to come into your life and to take over your life, surrender your life unto him, that my will, but done by thy will be done Lord. And as you accept that,
if you accept him into your life now in you, is the power, the divine power that Peter talks about super divided power to truly demolish all kinds of strongholds. They try to set themselves up or have been put in your life or that you've been thinking. Then what? Then from that point, you begin to fan into flame. As Paul told and taught Timothy in second,
Timothy chapter one, verse six and seven Timothy, you've been thinking about yourself is timid weekend. You're fearful, but you've been anointed. You've taken the holy spirit in you. He says, and he says, now here's the secret, ban it in the flame. Here's the secret Timothy, here's the secret Jeffrey, Jen, Judah, Janet, and all of all of us.
This is the secret. They had it in the fleet. And because it gets sit there just as an Amber and you could still be thinking those goofy, strange, crazy blame game thoughts on the hunt on a lifetime basis, still ending up with salvation of life has been burned off instead of fanning into flame and allow it to take over your thoughts to demolish the strongholds that set themselves up between you and the power of God.
And even the relationships of people that you love and may love in the future. Understand the thoughts you're thinking. The Bible says, you need to take care of. You need to recognize. You need to identify. You have to be the witness. It says that that in the lineup, like a police lineup, that's not of God that doesn't fall into the,
into the, the sword that does not fit into Timothy of second Timothy chapter three, verses 16 and 17. It just is absolutely not of God. And suddenly you point your finger at the enemy and you then replace those thoughts. Demolish those thoughts is second Corinthians. 10 talks about demolish those thoughts with the power of God in his word. They work hand in hand.
There's a Tribune relationship working within you and you, whether you know it or not, you've got God. The father who love you so much that he sent his only begotten son to make a way to open the doors, to tear the curtains apart. It's separated you from that power. Then, then it says that he blessed you with the holy spirit.
He sent you the holy spirit to live in you so that you could do even greater things than Jesus himself working in this earth. As he said, from his own mouth, you will even do greater things because I'm going to be with the father. And we're going to be working towards the strength of you. Being able to think the thoughts of God,
speak the words of God for the same purpose as God, which is to bring others to know and see the image and likeness of Christ. So they too can take captive their thoughts. They have eternity with Christ. Isn't that really the greatest purpose on this earth because we're those of us that have accepted Christ know, we got a guarantee you're under positive,
ready for your eternal life. What about the next 20, 30 or 40 or 50 or 60 years that you might have on this earth? We're going to burn it up, waste it and ended up with salvation, but look back and say, wow, I could have done so much more. Couldn't be here without more family and friends. Well, that's all up to us in the village.
And it comes from taking time every morning, every morning, seven days a week, God doesn't go on vacation or we take weekends off. It's about journaling and dialoguing with God. It's sitting quietly and hearing and listening to him. It's about the things that work each every day. If you don't know what works, don't take my advice, go see how Jesus lived his life in the new Testament,
how he got up early and went to a quiet place. How you said that is not my words, but God's words flowing through me. I'm not doing things that I have created, but I'm doing things that I see the father do. Why did he have such an intimate relationship that he could hear? God's voice see God in the application of what he needed to do next in the simple things of everyday life from carpentry to healing,
to resurrection, because he had intimacy. So go learn from the scripture and you'll see the answers are all there. Have a beautiful day. I'll see you tomorrow.