How important are people do? Let me just ask that question again. And I love to start our program on the morning inspirations with a question I'm Jeffrey Paul, and today's question should provoke you. It should most likely challenge you. How important are people to you? Well, how you treat people is really what makes it real in your life to that answer.
The real answer to that question. So to say, you know, when we study today, the gospels and we see Jesus in the things and people that he encounters. Do you think that was kind of like by chance or by design? What do you think with Jesus meeting the woman at the, well, she, she didn't even have a name.
She wasn't even liked. She had to leave her home at the heat of the day to go get water. Because if she went during the morning, when all the other woman would go to the, well, she would be ridiculed because she was considered a prostitute. How about Matthew? That short little Jewish guy that was up in, in the, in the,
you know, I think he was Jewish. Maybe he was Italian, but he was up in the tree and Jesus has got a crowd around him coming along the road. And he shouts out to this person. No one liked a tax collector. Matthew, come on, let's go have dinner together. How much do we miss or devalue people. I told you is going to challenge you today.
You see it's kind of easy to value the people that you can get something from. Ooh, that doesn't feel good, huh? Whether it's love whether it's money, whether it's service, whether it's, whatever it is, when we get something they're important for the moment. But in turn, how important are people to you? All people we're going to John three 16,
the famous verse that Billy Graham carried all over the world. God so loved people that he gave his only begotten son. God, so loved people. The prisoners, the prostitutes, the rulers, the politicians, the doctors, the barbers, all were loved by God. And when he sent Jesus to earth, he sent that example. That, that, that,
that true level of example, for us to imitate, there's no one, no one, no one unimportant. How about the guy at the pool of Bethesda? I mean, 38 years, he was hanging out there and he couldn't even get anybody to help him get into the water. When the water would be stirred, the healed Jesus stops. And doesn't just put his hand on his head and get them healed.
He dialogues with him. He goes into his soul. He begins to seek the answer to the question that was truly holding this man crippled. Do you want to be healed? Do you want to be healed? He said, you see, to be able to ask people deep questions, to converse with them, to minister, to them, to teach them,
to share with them needs the holy spirit inside you radiating in monitor monitoring the issues of people. You got to read them as they say, well, we read them for a lot of different reasons. If you're in sales, you kind of read the signs as they teach in sales school. If we're in the romance business, we're looking for that glimmer in the eye.
So we learned way back when, as kids to read our parents to read people, but that was what the human mind, the human feelings and emotions. Now with the holy spirit inside, you can see a Richmond, poor man, a prostitute, or a queen. All the same as Jesus did. Nicodemus was a high level. You know, Pharisee.
He took the time with him in the midst of the night to answer his questions, woman who was 13 years of, of, of, you know, bleeding spent all her money on doctors that couldn't heal. Her, broke the law of the, of the Jewish, you know, faith to be able to go into the streets of a woman who had an issue of blood,
touched him. And he stopped for her, stopped in the midst of the crowd often, are we too busy for that phone call? How often do we get that text that we, we may, you know, quickly do emoji back, or we get the phone call and we just say, you got the, we got the pre-made, you know,
answers can't talk right now. Well, I'm challenging all of us today. The reality of truly understanding your value of people is how you treat them. And I've never been more embarrassed to be with someone when they treated a waitress who serving. And we don't know behind the scenes that she might have a sick child at home, that she might not be feeling her best.
She might be going through a divorce. We have no idea in the human level, but if we're in the spiritual consciousness, if we're in the spiritual connection with the holy spirit, the holy spirit will tell you those things will reveal to you. Those things in people so that you can be a vessel of Jesus Christ to serve them, to encourage them,
to lift them up, to give them the strength, to give them the hope and to them, to him if necessary. So today I challenge each and every one of us and I include myself. How much, how much do you value people? How much do you value people? Because see, here's the by-product of that. If you buy now value people,
because you recognize how much God values you, you value yourself. Oh yeah. Really important message there. Because if you value yourself, I'm not talking about ego. I'm not talking about cried. I'm talking about if you value yourself because of what has been poured into you through the intimacy of Christ as a toxin, Philippians chapter two, starting in verse one all through the first chapter.
If you've had an encounter with him, then have that encounter expressed in your treating of others. And you will then value yourself incredibly more than you could ever ask or imagine there's your challenge. It's on a platter. And I hope you take that challenge today. I have a prayer request right now, my sister, I just dropped her off at a Cleveland clinic.
She's going to get some minor surgery done today, but any surgery is important to pray for and lead her through the process because you've prayed for her. Many of you for her cancer being healed for her heart issues. I mean, she's just, she's battled, but now this is her new year and she's really going forward. And I'll tell you something.
She's one that really values people, values, friendship. And we had a beautiful sharing before the surgery center opened up. And that was just about what it was about. That's what motivated this particular teaching. As I got back to my office and my new studio, I realized it's really about people. That's why we're here. Are we? That's why we're here right now together.
So in the comments, why don't you say I value people. I value people, put that in the comments to, to recognize a reminder for you today and write it down, write it down in your journal, write it down in your, on your hand. As the kids do with phone numbers and stuff, write it down to remember it, to remind you to fan into flame,
the precious gift of people, such a precious gift that God himself chose to send his only begotten son to redeem us and to give us the holy spirit to help him. Yes, LPM redeem others through our love for people because Galatians says the greatest of everything. The only thing that counts is love. It's the only way that you can express love is through giving it to others.
Have a beautiful, precious day, loving people. See it tomorrow.