Partnering with God to Fulfill His Will for You: Interview with Ashley Nemeh

Knowing the Source of Your Strength

God, there is no way I can do this in front of people. There is no way! But you know what, Lord? I’m just going to do this.” —Ashley Nemeh

There is something so beautiful about surrender.

Humility is a leadership skill that we overlook so often. We admire people who are confident, who appear like they’ve got their lives and choices figured out.

Yet we overlook those who kneel down in prayer, arms raised to God, begging Him for strength to go one.

Surrender is a sign of humility. It is admitting to ourselves that we can’t do it on our own and humbly coming to God to tap into His strength as we do the work He has set for us to do.

God’s work for us is never easy. It is often scary, intimidating, and it requires us to step out of our comfort zones. When doing His work, God asks us to surrender and trust that He will provide us with the power to overcome and to excel.

But how? How do we tap into His never-failing and never-ending strength?

In critical moments when you’re feeling helpless and despair, pray. 

Come to God in thanksgiving, knowing He will always come through for you. Present your request to Him and humbly tell Him you cannot do this task on your own.

Then breathe in and breathe out. Quiet your fears and listen to God’s voice. Rest assured that the Holy Spirit will work in you and through you in ways that you’ve never seen Him work before. 

Partnering with God requires 100% surrender because He carries 100% of the load. 

God will always fulfill the promise He gave you. He will do His will because He is faithful. You will only need to surrender and trust that He loves you.

“But, as it is written, ‘What no eye has seen, nor ear heard, nor the heart of man imagined, what God has prepared for those who love him’” —1 Corinthians 2:9


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