Going Back to the Word in Times of Trial - Interview with Elyse Fitzpatrick

3 Promises from the Bible to Help You Crush the Biggest Lies from the World

One thing we have to remember every day is that we are not citizens of this world; we are, first and foremost, citizens of heaven because we are God’s children.

It is important to remember this truth, along with God’s promises from the Bible, because it will help you recognize the lies that this world throws at you—especially whenever you are going through trying seasons

Whenever we’re faced with tough circumstances, we tend to listen to voices that aren’t from God. We tend to listen to voices from the enemy that just discourage us.

So during these times, we need to go back to the Word. We need to quiet our thoughts and listen to God instead, to allow Him to remind us of who He is and His power to carry us through our life’s valleys.

Here are three common lies, which I got from my conversation with Elyse Fitzgerald, that we tend to accept as facts and three Biblical promises that are actually true to help you fight these lies from the enemy

Lie: “You are not enough.”

God’s Truth: “For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.” —Ephesians 2:10

Even before God put us in our mother’s womb, He already had a plan for us. It’s not true that we’re just a shot out of the void; we were predestined by God for good works that give glory to His name. This is why we’re enough.

Whatever abilities we have, God provided these for the work He has set before us. And whatever abilities we lack, God will provide those too according to the abundance of His grace.

Lie: “You will not get through this.”

God’s Truth: “Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, because I have overcome the world.” —John 16:33

God’s children will always get through anything and everything. Why? Because He has overcome the world, which means we live victorious lives too because we’re His children and we’re partakers of His kingdom.

Our role in this difficult time? We need to pray for peace and wisdom. We need to continue looking to Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection to remind ourselves that salvation is always at hand because Jesus has already saved us on the cross.

Lie: “You have no power.”

God’s Promise: “He gives power to the faint, and to him who has no might he increases strength.” —Isaiah 40:29

Our God is our endless source of power and strength. And through what Jesus accomplished on the cross, we are partakers of these too. 

When you feel like you’re powerless in the face of temptations or challenging decisions, remember God’s power that continues to hold you to this day. 

God didn’t bring you this far just to release His hold on you; He brought you to this day to prove that He is powerful in the midst of your impossible situations.


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